Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Protecting Me

In My Dreams

by Draykor 0 reviews

Uh oh! Is Jay falling head over heals over Atlanta? How will Archie take it? Looks like there's going to be some competition.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-08-13 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 1539 words

Okaaay. I have another chapter on, but I couldn't post it on here since it wasn't working. Well, it is now, so now I'm going to update! Yay me! Ahem. Enjoy.


xxx...In My Dreams I'm Not So Far Away From

I was quiet... too quiet. Night pulled over its velvet sheets and brought over the Sand Man to work his magic. All was sleeping peacefully in their beds, some of them dreaming about what their life was when they were youngsters, but it, of course, flipped over into a nightmare when they came to the part where they were taken away from their homes and put here.

All but Jay and Archie that is.

Yes, the two boys were glaring at each other. They'd pretend to fall asleep but they'd shoot their eyes open and whip their heads towards each other at the same time, every time. When they did, they'd always narrow their eyes and pretend to sleep again and so on. Atlanta just had to be between the two rivals. And Archie just had to introduce Atlanta to Jay and Herry that night, and ever since, Jay's been If he didn't, this never would've happened. But Jay and Archie quickly stop looking at each other and looked at Atlanta. Atlanta was turning in her sleep uncomfortably. She whimpered in her sleep and her eyes were squeazed shut. She turned and rolled in her sleep. Something weird was definately going on with her. A little cold sweat damped her forehead.

In Atlanta's head, a bright white flash appeared.

Eleven year old Atlanta was running around her house. She ran up the stairs but tripped and she got back up and started running again.

Another flash appeared and it showed Atlanta softly grunting in her sleep as she turned to her side, then another flash.

She ran to her room and opened her closet door. Another small square door was above her closet. She took her small ladder from her closet floor and she pushed the door open. The door creaked to it's side and stood straight in the air. Atlanta quickly climbed inside the attic, taking the small ladder with her and she shut the door.

Another flash and it saw Atlanta quickly rolling to her side, gripping her blanket firmly and whimpering silently.

She quickly crawled over by the window of the attic. She took her suitcase out from a corner and crawled to her family's dresser where they stored their extra clothes. She took out her extra clothes and quickly packed them in there.

Atlanta rolled on her back and the damp sweat became small, cold beads of sweat and it clung to the skin of her forehead until she rolled to her side again and started to breathe heavily.

She turned to a trunk beside the dresser and packed some extra water bottles and some food that her family also stored in case of emergencies. And this was the biggest emergency of their life. She even brought a hair brush and put it in the pocket of her bag and she zipped up all the zippers and buttoned all the buttons. She heard them running up the stairs.

Her whimpers became soft moans, she was definately having a nightmare or a flash back of her previous life, the two boys figured.

They were close, but she might have enough time to escape. They were just in front of her closet but they couldn't see the attic door, thankfully.

The men's lips curved up into an evil smile. One man took out his lighter and clicked it on, making the small flame pop out of the lighter. They walked out of the room and held the lighter under a shirt laying on the floor, the shirt quickly caught on fire and they threw the shirt downstairs, causing a house fire.

Atlanta felt tiny tears flood her closed eyes and she let one tear fall down her cheek.

Atlanta heard them leave the house, but....out the window? She opened the attic door slowly and poked her head through the door she brought her bag with her and she jumped out of the attic. She then heard the fire alarm go off and she ran down the

She gasped at the fires spreading throughout her house. "MOM!!!" She cried, looking for her parents. "DADDY!!" She ran to the living room and saw her parents...lying ont he floor. "NO!" She cried as she ran to her parents. She rolled her father on his back and saw his hand covering a hole in his stomach, blood covering his hands. She let tears fall and she slowly removed his hands, showing a deep hole that was flooding out blood and staining the shirt. Atlanta started to panic and she ran to her mother, she was in the same position as her father, and she removed her hands to see a small hole that was also flooding out blood.

Atlanta started to cry in her sleep, but tears were only raining down her cheeks, she wasn't actually crying out.

She was angry and sad. Her father had some type of sword or knife pierced in his stomach's flesh, her mother had been shot and her house was on fire. She saw the door to the cellar beside a couch. She ran to the cellar door and opened it, taking her bag and crawled in, opening the door to the outside.

She was breathing heavily and crying and kept rolling.

She ran, but her eyes were set on her flaming house. She ran until she ran into something. She shrieked as she hit whatever she ran into. She fell onto the ground and looked up at what she hit. She screamed and turned to run away, but it grabbed the back of her shirt and started dragging her away, not caring if she dropped her bag. She kicked and screamed but the police man wouldn't let her go. She knew where they were taking her, she heard about it on the news. He was taking her to that one place that she could never remember the name of. But whatever it was called, she knew for sure that's where she would spend the rest of her life.

She watched in tears and in fear as she watch her house burn to the ground and watched her parent's souls disappear into the night.

"Atlanta!" She heard Archie yell, but not loud enough for everyone else to hear.

Atlanta yelled in surprise and shot up, drying the sweat and the tears off her face, still breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked, kneeling beside her bed with Archie.

"I-" She squeaked, "I don't know. I had a nightmare, or some sort of flashback of w-what happened before I was taken h-here." She choked out, managing herself not to cry.

"You...wanna talk about it?" Archie asked, a worried look on his face.

"No." Atlanta sniffed as dropped back down. "I'm fine."

"Well...okay. You sure?" Archie asked.

"Mm hm." She nodded.

"Okay. Good night. Nice chain by the way." Jay said, looking at the silver chain around her neck.

Atlanta blushed and said, "Thanks." And smiled, seeing Jay smile back.

Archie narrowed his eyes at Jay when he turned around. 'That's my chain you're complementing thank you very much!' He thought. He just complemented on the chain, and he even got mad at that! Short tempered much?

She tossed and turned in her sleep, as her mind played tricks on her,

Archie and Atlanta were running. There were spotlights in the background, obviously looking for them. They had escaped this prison and had been running away. Archie was running, taking the lead with his hand in Atlanta's. There were bells ringing and sirens going off all around the building.

Atlanta tripped and let out a shriek, her hand slipping out of Archie's. Archie stopped and ran to her, he carefully helped her up, but when she put her weight on her right leg, she limped back down to the ground. Archie sighed and picked her up bridle style and started to run. He ran to the forest that was behind the building. He looked back every once in a while. But Atlanta could feel something from Archie. He had this weird feeling crawling all throughout his body. He didn't know how, but he just knew this forest looked familiar....

Atlanta shot up from her dream again. 'Man what is up with me tonight?' She thought to herself. She looked to her right and saw Archie sleeping, she looked to her left and saw Jay sleeping peacefully also. She sighed and layed back down. It was so weird. That dream felt too real. Her right ankle was actually throbbing. But the strange thing was, in the dream...her and Archie were older, maybe in their low twenties. She sighed and went back to sleep and decided to figure it out tomorrow.

xxx...Cause Love Can't Find It's


Well, there you have it! I'll put the other chapter up.R&R&R!!!

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