Categories > Cartoons > Biker Mice from Mars > It's War! Aftermath

Chapter 4

by whipblade 0 reviews

Flea's suffering from problems with the RIP tactic. Forcing an emergancy trip to Earth

Category: Biker Mice from Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-11-18 - Updated: 2007-11-19 - 201 words


Biker Mice from Mars


Aftermath of War

By: Whipblade.

Flea grimaced again. Pressing the palms of his hands hard on his temples, he shut his eyes trying to stop the pounding headache from re-emerging.

"Try these." Stoker offered some pain killers. "They dull it some."

"I don't know if it'll work any.... It hurts." Flea whimpered taking the pills dry.

"It's alright kid. You'll understand what you need to soon."Stoker soothed patting the youth on the back.

Rimfire stayed in the cockpit as the sleek Stalkers' ship maneuvered through the satellites orbiting Earth.

"Shut your eyes, try to rest." leaving Flea strapped on the small bunk, Stoker made his way to the cockpit.

"We need the ship in one piece bro, where we going?" Stoker sat down locking his harness in place.

"Last Chance, like before."

"Well, let's see if we can actually land his thing, and not crash." Holding his breath for a moment, both Stoker and Rimfire exhaled slowly knowing that Flea and the future of the Mouse Rip Tactic hung in the balance.

"Those buildings are getting kinda close." Flea whimpered from the back.

"Pipe down." Stoker growled. "And close your eyes!"


To Be Continued

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