Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Stuttering

> GINGERcakeP: nice to meet you...

by Syn_INC 3 reviews

< IbeDatgirL: Patrick Stump. I'm Calista Rodriguez. > GINGERcakeP: nice to meet you Calista. < IbeDatgirL: Finally! > GINGERcakeP: yes. Finally.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-11-27 - Updated: 2007-11-27 - 1750 words - Complete

Chapter 7:

The bar was dark and the guys followed behind Patrick. This was Patrick's place, he felt like someone knew his name here. And no matter how long they're in Minnesota for they have to come to this bar.
"Sir, 4 Bud Lights thrown this way." Pete said at the end of the bar.
"I don't think I've ever seen a girl walk in shoes better than Tina Turner." Joe said laughing.
"What's love got to do got to do with it what's love but a 2nd hand emotion." Patrick sung softly, "she's got nice legs. But shit look at the boots on that- one- you're kidding..." patrick said as he re adjusted his hat.
"What?" Andy asked.
"Nothing. I just- that's not- it can't be- Pete."
"Yes Gingy?"
"No more Shrek for you."
"But it works! The red hair and all its too cute."
"Right. Anyways. Tell me that's not the girl from the mall earlier." Patrick said pointing in the direction.
"I wouldn't know. I didn't get a good look at her. Ask Joe. He got a GREAT look at her."
Pete said laughing and then turned to Joe
"Joe. See that girl at the juke box."
"The one in the shoes?"
"They're both wearing shoes. The one with the thigh high's- go ask her what her name is." pete said with a smile
"Or- you could do it."
"Do you know who I am?"
All 3 guys make a fist and punched Pete in the arm. That was the rule. If you said anything that would make you sound like a prick or a 'celebrity' or a asshole then you got a punch on the arm.
"Sorrie! FUCK! I was kidding!" Pete yelled.


I stepped off the bar chair in these boots that I stole from Ginny and nearly broke my foot. If it wasn't for Kendra catching me that may have almost had happened.
"Kendra, see if they can crank out some nachos or pizza or something." I said as I followed behind Ginny to the juke box.
I'd have to admit that those shoes gave her a bit of extra swagger. I know she was doing her 'Top Model' walk so I left her be.
"You're a cunt you do know that right?" I asked.
"See I do. Its just- I just wanted to mess with the guys over there. Give them a nice walk to see."
"Well then what are we playing?" I asked.
"I don't know."
"OH! There!"
Ginny hit L#12, B#7 I hit B#6.
We walked back to the table and 'Tubthumping' started to play. This just got a real kick out of Kendra and Ginny. I didn't know why but they both got up and started to do the chest bump think. I looked down and shook my head. I felt so embarrased that I couldn't stop laughing.
The guys who were directly across from us, but a little more to the right, got a kick out of it also. I shortly connected with the stocky one who had on a newsboy hat as we both shook our heads and laughed. He then tapped the one with the chin piercing and he laughed too.
Genovieve then played bitch, and went to go get some drinks. I had no idea what she was giving me but it ended with a chaser of Budweiser. I then burped & felt as if I now had more room to drink.
The guys who were across and to the left of us kept giving me weird looks. I didn't know if I should be happy or weirded out. But they didn't look much more dangerous then Kendra & I.


"I swear Andy- Joe! Doesn't she look like the girl from the mall and the club?" Patrick asked.
"Dude. There's no way. In hell. On the face of the planet that KARMA would be THAT nice to you." Joe added.
"Why not?"
"Because you eat meat." Joe said with some finality to his voice.
"Dude I did that vegeterian thing for 2 years. I'm not going back." Patrick said taking a swig of his drink.
"That's why you're chunky." Andy stated
"And that's why you're hungry." Patrick shot back and then laughed as joe flipped him off.
This is when Pete and Andy both got up from the table and went to order another round of drinks.


I went to go and get 3 more Budweiser Selects. We don't make it a habit to drink beer besides Heinekin and Corona but Budweiser Select is a great beer.
"What are you having?" Pete (the bartender) asked.
"3 more-" I then stopped and saw 2 people ahead of me,
"oh, sorrie. I have manners. Promise."
The guy about my height, maybe 2 or 3 inches taller, with eye liner gave me a small smile and a cock eye that said 'Oh my God you're stalking me.' But I was so nicely inebreated that I didn't even notice it at all.
"I love the hair." He said softly.
"Thank you. Its going back to well- I can't say normal can I? Its bleached under here." I added laughing lightly,
"maybe I'll go chocolate." I said more to myself than him
"Yea maybe."
"What other choices are there?"
"A rainbow of assorted colours to choose from that's what."
"I've had my hair all colors before too."
He then pulled his phone out- he was being summoned.
"Hey- what are you guys drinking?" I asked after he put his phone away.
"Everything we can get our hands on. We wanna be nice and drunk to sleep through an 8 - 10 hour...bus...ride..."
"Where too?"
"Somewhere- see. I don't know."
"You guys a band or something like that?"
"Or something like that...I'll see you around?" he said grabbing his drinks and walking away.
"Sure." I said taking my order and going back to the girls


"Who was the hottie?" Joe asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Pete sighed.
"Try me." Andy stated.
"It was the girl from the the show, the club, and from the mall."
"You're kidding?" andy said a bit shocked
"No and- where's Gingy?"
"He went to go break the seal." Andy answered
"Nice. Just nice. Looks like he'll be going to do that all night then."
"You know Gingy's always the first to break the seal that shouldn't even be a surprise." Joe added taking a drink from pete
"That what? I broke the seal first?" Patrick asked sitting back on his chair.
"Ok yay, more drinks." He said snatching the one pete was about to drink from before it reached his lips.


"Lets send the guys a round of shots." I suggested.
"What's their poison?" Ginny asked and smiled and she walked over to the bar.
"Tequila." Kendra and I said at the same time.
And so Ginny walked across back to the bar and pointed a whole bunch of nothings out to the bartender while ordering the drinks and then returned with our 3 shots, lime and a shaker of salt.
The guys looked over at us and we all raised our glasses. As if it was a battle of epic perportions it was a race to see who all could finish their drinks first. Our local drunk Ginny maxed out her shot first, then myself and Kendra pulled up the rear.
We all laughed and someone called us over to their table.


"Do we really wanna do this?" Andy said with a smile as the girls maybe thought about it.
"Where's the harm?" Pete asked, "they bought us Tequila."
"And plus- its only for the night. Lets have some fun." Joe said with a smile.
"I'm down." Patrick added softly.


I was the first one over there and introduced myself. Kendra was behind me and Ginny was no where in sight. She was in the corner on the phone talking to Lexalicious.
Odd man out as usual.
The guys quickly went around and introduced themselves. It was then that my mouth dropped, the giuys all held their breaths as if I were gonna scream, but I let out a yawn.
"Wow! Good ol' local Chicago boys. That's what I'm talking about." I said high 5ing the guys, "Your show was amazing last night. And you my friend totally fucked up XO." I said turning my sights to Patrick who had been intently staring at me since I walked up to the table.
"That's because I lost my train of thought. And you threw up on my shoe. So tell me. Are you stalking us?" he stated giving me this sexy half smile thing that made my insides burn a little.
"Yes. That's right. I like how we stalk Fall Out Boy when we end up at the next point of origin first. Yea. That makes a whole bunch of fucking sense." Kendra concluded crossing her arms.
That right there made the guys think. It was true. How was that type of stalking possible? I mean it meant reading minds and all that good type of shit. My E.S.P wasn't that good yet.
Patrick looked me up and down. His eyes were dancing mischiviously from behind his glasses and I couldn't help just wondered what he was thinking in that crazy head of his. I turned away from my staring and tried to focus on what joe was saying when my SideKick3 started to buzz as I got a new instant message. I looked down and smiled.
Well then, I haven't heard from him in a while.
> GINGERcakeP: so u know what's amazing.
< IbeDatgirL: what?
> GINGERcakeP: look up.
I looked up from my Sidekick for a split second and Patrick gave me a sly half smile from his dash. I licked my lips a bit, confused. It all then hit me like Optimus Prime. For the past couple of weeks I was talking to Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy.
I knew I was drunk as hell and I knew that this all wouldn't hit me completly until later so I deicded to just be cool.
< IbeDatgirL: Patrick Stump. I'm Calista Rodriguez.
> GINGERcakeP: nice to meet you Calista.
< IbeDatgirL: Finally!
> GINGERcakeP: yes. Finally.
We all danced well into the night and when Ginny finally came over we drank like there was no tomorrow and all on Fall Out Boy's dollar. Ginny pulled out her digital camera and we took pictures with the guys. Yes, that's what we did when we went to bars.
We took pictures.
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