Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

On and On - DEC 28

by AlexSanDee 1 review

Kara and Monica arrive in Denver

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-28 - Updated: 2007-12-29 - 1728 words

"Bob!" Kara screamed. She ran past Monica. Her joy was evident as she leaped on Bob, wrapping her slender legs around him and kissing him fiercely. Bob barely had time to brace against the onslaught of Hurricane Kara.
Monica was shocked. She and Kara had expected to be picked up by staff as the guys were supposed to be busy at the venue. She hadn't expected to see Bob here.
"Are you playing hooky?" Kara teased as she reluctantly let herself slide back down to stand upright.
"Couldn't wait any longer to see you." He hugged her tightly. "Hey Monica" he nodded looking over Kara's head.
"Bob" she smiled. "How'd we get so lucky to have you pick us up?"
He laughed, "Actually, we snuck out and took one of the vans before anyone could catch us."
"We?" Monica asked.
"Yeah, we. You didn't think I'd trust him with my best girl, did you?"
Monica spun around. He was standing a few feet away. "Gee" she screamed as she ran into his arms.
"I got a phone call right as your plane was deboarding." He explained. "God, it's good to see you." He kissed her tenderly.
"Hey, we better get going" Bob said. He and Kara were arm in arm.
Monica and Gerard broke apart. "Yeah, we gotta get back."
"What about our bags?" Monica asked.
"Give me the claim tickets and we'll have them delivered to the hotel. Come on."
Monica smiled at the attention Bob and Gerard were attracting. "Does it ever bother you?" she whispered.
Gerard shook his head, "Not really. Guess I’m used to it."
They had only gone a short distance when they stopped and signed several autographs. Monica and Kara were standing together watching when a young girl walked up to them.
“Uh, could you give this to Gerard?" She asked nervously.
Monica saw she had a small handmade doll in her hands.
"Sure, but don't you want to give it to him yourself?" she asked
The girl looked over to Gerard who was talking to several fans. "He's busy."
Monica smiled, “What's your name?"
"Lisa" she answered shyly.
"Well Lisa, I really think you should give this to him yourself. Come on." She put her arm around Lisa's shoulder and walked over to Gerard. He looked up when he saw Monica.
"Lisa has something for you." Monica told him with a smile.
Gerard looked at Lisa. "A present? I like presents."
Lisa blushed, "I made this for you." She handed him the doll.
He looked at the cloth doll of himself in his Black Parade costume. "You made this yourself?"
She nodded.
Monica noticed a woman standing nearby watching. Slowly she backed away from Gerard who was still talking to Lisa to speak to her.
"Lisa's yours?"
The woman smiled "Yes, she recognized you on the plane. We flew here so she can see the concert tonight."
"Where are you from?" Monica asked,
"We're from Kansas City. Lisa was supposed to go to the concert back in January but her father died a few days before the show.” the woman explained her voice chocking with emotion.
"I'm so sorry."
"He had been sick a long time. The cancer ate away at him for several years. Lisa took it very hard. She and her dad were so close." Tears threatened her eyes. "Anyway, MCR's music helped her get through it. When I told her I was bringing her here for the concert she made the doll. I'm so glad she got a chance to give it to him."
"Me too" Monica reached out and squeezed the woman’s arm. "I'm Monica and you are?"
"Carol" She answered with a smile. "Thank you for taking Lisa over to talk to him. She was scared."
"No problem." She looked over at Gerard who was obviously signaling to her.
"Nice to have met you, Carol" she said before walking back over to him.
Gerard thanked Lisa again. She smiled and walked back towards her mother. Quickly Monica whispered in his ear what she had learned about Lisa.
"Shit, we gotta get back." He said with a frown. Monica nodded that she understood. They started to walk again when Gerard suddenly stopped. He turned around.
"Lisa" he called out.
Lisa and her mom turned around.
"Come here." he beckoned her with his hand. He asked Monica if she had a piece of paper. Monica dug in her messenger bag and produced a small notebook and a pencil. He took them from her and quickly wrote a short note and added a small drawing. Lisa was standing near waiting.
"You gave me such a nice gift I wanted to give you something." He handed the paper to her.
She read the note and looked at the picture. Tears were in her eyes. "Thank you" she whispered.
Gerard put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "Stay strong, okay? I'll sing something special for you, tonight."
Lisa stepped back and smiled. "Thanks Gerard." She turned and walked towards her mother.
"You are a sweet man." Monica said as he put his arm around her and the started towards the exit. "A very sweet man."

"Kewee gets up." Elle tugged fanatically at Kelly's arm.
"Bug it's too early." Kelly said glancing at the clock. "Go back to sleep."
"Me hungy."
Kelly sighed. "Can't you go back to sleep for just a little bit?"
Elle shook her head.
"Fine" Kelly said throwing back the covers and sliding out of bed.
They made their way upstairs and into the kitchen. Donna was just starting breakfast. "Well good morning girls. You guys are up early."
"One of us is." Kelly said yawning. She took a seat at the table.
"Someone up too late last night?" Donna teased.
"Yep" Elle said bouncing in the chair next to Kelly. "Kewee and Uke."
"Uke?" Kelly couldn't help but giggle. Elle gave her a hurt look. "Uh, Luke said you're very cute." Kelly told her trying to smooth over Elle's hurt feelings. It wasn't a lie. Luke has said how cute Elle was after Kelly explained to him how Elle fit into the family.
"Hes gots buse ike mommy." Elle pointed to her own cheek.
"Yeah, he does." Kelly noticed that Donna was listening obviously wondering why Liv had a bruised face.
"Hungy?" Elle said looking over at her.
Donna laughed. "Right, breakfast." She turned back to the stove.
"So where's Don? I thought he was supposed to be back last night?"
"He got in late. He's still sleeping." Donna answered while pouring the pancake batter in the hot skillet.
"Who?" Elle asked.
"Don" Kelly explained, "He's dad's dad."
Elle frowned while taking in the information. "Dadgee's dadgee?"
"Yep" Kelly confirmed.
"That's me." Don said walking into the kitchen. He walked over, gave Donna a quick kiss then took a seat at the table with the girls. "Hello Kelly" He nodded then turned his attention to Elle. "Hello Elle, I've heard a lot about you. How are you this morning?"
"Mes dood but hungy." Elle answered quiet seriously.
Don laughed, "Me too. Wonder what the hold up is on those pancakes." He whispered.
"Funny" Donna said setting down a platter of pancakes. Elle started bouncing in her chair again.
Don watched her closely. She was a beautiful child but her glasses made her so damn cute. His son had a lot to be proud of.

Monica snuggled up to Gerard. Bob had offered to drive much to Kara's annoyance. She had wanted to sit in the back with him. Gerard leaned over and kissed her lips. "How was the flight?"
"Not bad. I slept most of the way."
"Yeah, I got to watch Mom and all the other passengers sleep." Kara grouched from the front seat.
Bob reached over and grabbed her hand.
Monica looked at Kara. "You could have slept too."
"Not a chance. Flying is exciting. I don't want to miss anything."
"So why are you complaining cause I was sleeping?" Her daughter confused her so much sometimes.
Kara looked at her a moment then smiled, "Cause I like to bitch."
Monica nodded, "Yeah, you do." She turned her attention back to Gerard. "So we're gonna be at the venue all day?"
"Pretty much. You and Kara can go to the hotel and change before the concert if you want but you look great."
Monica looked down at her wrinkled hoodie. "Yeah, I look great."
Gerard cupped her face in his hands, "You always look beautiful to me."
"Oh how you do go on, Mr. Way." she teased.
He leaned over to whisper in her ear, "On and on, Baby. Tonight I'm gonna go on and on."
"That a promise?" Monica whispered back.
"Fuck yeah."
Bob looked at them in the rear view mirror. "I'd say get a room but we're almost to the venue."
His remark was answered by Gerard's rude gesture.

Liv rolled over and looked at the clock. She should get out of bed but why? She had nothing to do, nowhere to go. Her head hurt from all the alcohol she had consumed last night. After the first drink she had felt a pang of guilt. What if Elle needed her? However, she had realized Elle was in good hands. Gerard's mother could handle anything that came up. After the second drink she had realized she had never felt so alone. The third drink had made her get out her box of memories. She had sat on the floor surrounded by her treasures. The fourth drink had made her cry. The fifth had made her curse. The sixth drink was when she had realized that it was so late that Elle was sleeping. She hadn't been upset enough for Donna or Kelly to call her to talk to Elle. Knowing Elle was okay was a blessing and a curse. She was glad she had been able to spend the night at Donna's without needing her. However that didn't change the sadness in her heart. She had cried again.
Slipping out of bed Liv only made it a few steps before she sank to the floor. Her head hurt, as did her body. She curled up and cried again. There was so much she needed to get done today but for now this was all she could do.
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