Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Showers and Socks - JAN 10

by AlexSanDee 1 review

Ray and Christa after the concert and Bob and Kara

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-01-11 - Updated: 2008-01-12 - 1192 words

“So if I’m the one who performed and got all sweaty why do you get the shower first?”
Christa took off her jacket and threw it on the bed. It hit the corner and slid to the floor. “Cause I called it.”
Ray, knowing full well she wouldn’t pick it up, reached down and grabbed the jacket.
“I’ll just take a quick shower.” Christa said as pulled her sweater over her head. “In and out.”
Ray’s eyes followed her body as she continued to drop clothing on the way to the bathroom. He sat down and removed his shoes. When he heard the water running in the shower he stood.
Christa had just applied shampoo to her hair when she heard the shower door slid open. “Gonna help we wash my hair?’
“Among other things.” Ray answered with a laugh.
Christa dropped her hands as she felt his hands begin to gently massage the shampoo into her hair.
“That feels heavenly.” She sighed. Several minutes later he moved her slightly into the spray of water to rinse. “You know I was hoping you’d take the hint and join me in the shower.”
His arms reached around her to grab the sponge. “Why hint? Wouldn’t it have been easier to say let’s shower together?” He slowly began running the sponge over her shoulders.
“I didn’t know it you’d want to.” She answered keeping her eyes closed.
“Christa, open your eyes and look at me.” His tone was serious.
She opened her eyes and waited.
“You have to know how much I love you. I don’t understand why sometimes you act so unsure.”
She shrugged, “I don’t know.”
The sponge dipped lower as he massaged small circles just above her breasts. “Babe, you drive me insane.”
Christa smiled, “I don’t try to.”
“I know that.” He took her by the shoulders and turned her away from him. Now he washed her back with the same small massaging circles. “How does that feel?”
“Damn good.”
He moved the sponge down her back then continued all the way down to the bottom of her legs. He smiled when he heard her moan softly. “Feel’s that good?”
Christa braced her self against the shower wall. Her legs were starting to feel weak. “Yeah, it feels that good.”
He took a step closer to her and she gasped. What was pressing against her bottom was no sponge.
“Uh that feels good too.”
He moved even closer and pulled her to him. His hands reached around and cupped her breasts. She moaned as the calloused pads of his thumbs brushed over her nipples. “I’m gonna make love you in this shower. You know that.”
Christa closed her eyes and leaned back against his chest, “Okay but forget what I said about the shower being quick.” She said breathlessly.
He nipped her earlobe and whispered, “Not a chance this is gonna be quick” He used his leg to push hers apart further. He rubbed against her then smiled when he heard her moan as he thrust. “In and out I believe I heard you say.”
Christa moved with him. “Yeah, in and out I said.”
He continued to thrust while his hand dropped from her breasts to her womanly curls, “So you don’t want this to be a quick shower?’ he whispered.
She shook her head slowly; the feeling his fingers were creating made it difficult to think, “No Ray make it long.”
“And hot?” his fingers had found the hot slick nub they had been searching for. Christa raised her arms and linked them above her head and behind his neck. She sighed her agreement happily.
“Babe, one long, hot shower coming up.” Ray whispered.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you how to dress?"
"Nope." Bob happily ignored the obvious horror Kara showed as she viewed the outfit Bob had worn to the concert. She had been waiting to corner him alone since she had first seen it while sitting in the green room earlier. "I didn't wear the socks."
Kara narrowed her eyes, glaring at Bob but not responding. They had just entered their hotel room. Kara closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and willing the fashion gods to strike her husband dead. Who in their right mind would think that that outfit should have ever seen the light of day? True he had not worn the tube socks but the socks he did wear were, if anything, worse. He had chosen to wear black calf length socks with sandals. Geez, you saw that kind of thing in 80-year-old grandfathers at the beach, but not rock gods.
"Bob... Sweetie. Socks and sandals? Black socks and sandals?"
Bob stared down at his feet trying desperately to figure out where he had gone wrong when dressing. Really, he was never going to get the hang of this fashion shit. "What's wrong with them?"
Kara rolled her eyes and fell silently back onto the bed, her arms flung outward. 'Why me?' she mouthed to the heavens.
Bob seeing his chance, escaped to the bathroom. Kara lay still for a few moments staring at the overhead light, thinking. A yawn took her by surprise. Hearing the shower running, she rolled off the bed. She grabbed her negligee set from her luggage, intent on joining Bob, when a knock sounded at the door. She opened it to find a room service waiter with a trolley. She stepped back to let him enter.
"Where would you like me to set this up?"
"I don't know." Kara looked around the room. "The table I guess." She indicated the small table situated by the window. As the waiter rolled past her, she saw champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries.
"Now, don't tell me I don't know how to wear socks." Bob's voice startled Kara. She turned toward him, her jaw dropping. There he was, her rock god wearing nothing but a cheese eating grin and a strategically placed sock. The champagne cork popping behind Kara alerted Bob to the waiter's presence. Bob quickly covered his 'sock' as the waiter beat a hasty retreat, without waiting for a signature or a tip. Kara bit her lip, tears coming to her eyes at the absurdity of the whole thing. As she watched her obviously embarrassed husband try to regain his composure, it dawned on her just how silly it was to be so upset about what he wore on stage. No one noticed, much less cared and he was happy with it.
"Hey, let's see what you're carrying there, Big Boy." Kara licked her lips as she reached out to pluck off the sock. "Hey, not bad, but let's see if you know how to use it." She grabbed him by the hand and led him back to the bed. The couple soon became lost in one another, Bob's carefully arranged surprise forgotten. By the time they did remember, several hours later, the champagne had lost some of its fizz, but they neither noticed or cared and they were happy with it.
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