Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Unconventional Way - FEB 23 (follows 21)

by AlexSanDee 2 reviews

Gerard calls to talk to Monica about something very important

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-23 - Updated: 2008-02-23 - 1572 words

“Come on kid, we gotta go to the grocery store.” Monica said ruffling Elle’s hair. “Then later today we’re gonna go help Christa again.” Monica was looking forward to seeing Christa. They were forming a close relationship, which allowed her to confide her deepest thought and fears to someone.
“Okay, mes ikes Cwista and Ways toys.” Elle said happily.
Monica laughed, “Yeah, Ray’s got some fun stuff but what are you gonna do when the box of stuffed animals gets moved to the new house?”
Elle seemed to ponder the question. “doe to the new ouse?”
“Yeah, we’ll help Christa unpack at the new house too.” She and Elle headed off to the grocery story chatting happily about noting in particular.

Gerard glanced at the clock. He was tired of waiting for the photographer. This photo shoot was supposed to have begun an hour ago. He looked at his band mates who all seemed to share his unhappiness at the situation. “I’m gonna step outside and call Monica.” He told them.
Ray looked up from his phone. He had been texting Christa. “She’s at my place helping Christa pack.”
“Oh” Gerard said, “Then I’ll call her so she can have a break.”
Ray shrugged.
‘Hey, Gee?” Mikey said “Ask her if she’s talked to Alicia today. I tried to call her cell but she didn’t answer.”
“Did you call Frank’s?”
Mikey nodded, “Yeah” He looked around and saw that Frank hadn’t returned from getting a drink, “I didn’t want to worry Frank but don’t you think it’s weird Jamia isn’t answering? I mean Alicia said Jamia doesn’t like to leave the apartment much.”
Gerard shrugged, “Maybe Jamia had a doctors appointment or something but I’ll ask Monica.” He moved towards the back door of the studio. Once outside he pulled out his phone.
“So is this my call that signals my break?” Monica said in greeting.
Gerard laughed, “Ray can text too damn fast. How’s it going?”
“Actually I’m helping Christa move a heavy box at the moment. Got a minute? You can talk to Elle until I’m back.”
“For sure.” Gerard smiled, “Put Bug on the phone.”
Monica handed the cell to Elle who was playing with a stuffed dog and elephant. “Dadgee?”
He loved to hear her voice, “Hey Bug. What ya doin’?”
“Mes pwayin’ with Way’s toys.”
“What kind of toys?’
“Doggy and elfant.” Elle explained.
Gerard made a face while trying to understand her words. Ray had come outside to smoke a cigarette and gave him a puzzled look.
Gerard mouthed “What’s Elle doing?’
Ray smiled, “Playing with some of my stuffed animals.”
Gerard grinned. “Oh are you playing with Ray’s stuffed animals?” He asked Elle.
“Yep mes is.” She answered happily.
“Well that sounds like fun. Are you being a good girl?’
“Mes dood” Elle said sounding quite but out he’d ask such a thing. “Mea dittin ungy.”
God, Gee thought, how does Monica always understand what Elle says. He replayed her comment in is mind. “Oh, you’re getting hungry.”
“Yep” Elle agreed.
“Well tell them it’s lunch time.” Gerard suggested.
“Mes did.” Elle said unhappily. “theys know.”
He heard Monica walk back into the room. “Bye bye Dadgee.” Elle said before handing the phone over.
“Have a nice chat?’ Monica asked.
“The poor child is starving and you won’t feed her.” Gee kidded.
Monica laughed, “Sure, she is. The bottomless pit ate three pancakes for breakfast. Beside Christa ordered a pizza. It should be here soon.”
“Well good.” He looked over to see Ray reenter the building. Now he could ask Monica the question that was on his mind. “Hun, I was wondering if you’d given anymore thought to the idea of adopting a child.”
Monica was surprised by the question. “Well I haven’t really thought about it. I mean with things the way they are right now.”
“But I just think it makes since. Another child would be great and Elle would have someone to play with.”
Monica thought a moment. “Don’t you think we should wait until we’re married to think about this? Adoption isn’t an easy thing. We’d have to be approved then there are waiting lists.”
Gerard took out his cigarettes and lit one. “Actually I got a call from Brian that sorta changes things.”
Monica cleared off a spot on the sofa and sat down. “Okay, why?”
“I had mentioned to him that you and I were considering adopting. He said something about it to Stacy.”
“The lawyer.” Monica said making sure she was following the conversation.
“Right. She called Brian yesterday and told him she heard from a colleague of hers about a young girl who is pregnant and thinking of putting the baby up for adoption. The girl doesn’t feel she can care of a child but wants the baby to have a good home.”
Monica rubbed her forehead, “A baby?” She had assumed that if they adopted it would be a child a bit older.
“I know we talked about either a baby or an older child but I think this just might be a great opportunely. I know this is a lot to spring on you right now. That’s why I thought a lot about it yesterday. I wasn’t sure if I should even bring it up.”
Monica realized she must have a strange look on her face because Christa had walked into the room and was staring at her. “Of course you should tell me.” She said trying to think. “I’m just surprised.”
“Well it might not work out anyway. The girl could change her mind you know but if you like the idea I can have Brian tell Stacy we would be interested in being considered as parents.”
“Okay” Monica said slowly. “That sounds good.”
He heard the hesitation in her voice. “Hey, think about it. I’ll call you tonight after the concert and we’ll talk again.” Ray popped his head out the back door to tell Gerard the photographer was finally ready. “Got to go. They need my uncommonly pretty face for a photo, you know I’m pretty is an unconventional way.”
“You are pretty in an unconventional way, Mr. Way.” Monica giggled.
“Oh, one more thing. Mikey has been trying to get a hold of Alicia but she’s not answering her cell and there’s no answer at Jamia’s.”
“Really? I’ll keep trying to call them.” Monica promised.
“I’ll tell him. Love you.” He disconnected after she said the same.
“Everything okay?” Christa asked.
Monica sighed, “Yeah”
Christa looked over at Elle who was watching them. “Hey, Elle wanna watch a movie?” Elle liked the idea so Christa popped in a Disney flick and Elle settled on the sofa. She and Monica then went into the kitchen to talk. “So how’s Gerard?”
Monica laughed, “Always surprising. He told me Brian thinks there might be a chance for us to adopt a baby.” Monica went on to explain the situation.
“Do you want a baby?” Christa asked bluntly.
“Honestly I haven’t given it much thought. I love kids.”
“But at this point in your life do you want a baby?” Christa asked again.
“You mean at my age?” Monica smiled.
Christa shook her head, “You’re not old, Monica. I just mean your girls are older. Hell, Kara’s married. It would be like starting all over again.”
Monica sat down at the table and thought a moment. “But Gee has never been through what it’s like having a baby.”
“Monica” Christa said narrowing her eyes, “Stop it. I didn’t ask you about Gerard. I asked you how you felt.”
“I do love babies.” Monica admitted. “And Elle would have a little brother or sister to grow up with.”
In Christa’s mind she thought that maybe Elle would have a little brother or sister to play with. That is if Liv didn’t come back and change things. She thought a moment. “Gee is always surprising, isn’t he?”
Monica laughed, “Oh yeah, he is indeed.”

“Kara you still gonna run to the mall?” Kelly asked her sister when she and Luke reached the car after school.
“Yeah, why?”
Kelly smiled up at Luke. “Can you drop us off at our spot?”
Kara snorted, “The abandoned love nest?”
“Shut up.” Kelly said giving Kara an evil glace.
Kara shrugged, “Sure, I suppose you want me to cover for you if Mom asks”
“Well she’ll think I’m with you. She probably won’t even ask.”
“Probably not.” Kara said sliding behind the wheel while Kelly and Luke got in. “Just don’t do anything stupid.”
Kelly glanced back at Luke, “Nothing stupid.” She said smiling at him.
Luke sat back and wondered what Sunshine was thinking. She had asked him earlier in the day if he could go to the house after school. She said she had something important to talk to him about. All he knew was he wanted to spend time alone with her. She seemed so troubled lately and he just wanted to take her arms and tell her that no matter what was wrong he’d be by her side.
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