Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Box Of Memories - FEB 26

by AlexSanDee 1 review

Has the past repeated itself?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-27 - Updated: 2008-02-28 - 1851 words

Gerard waited about twenty minutes then walked back into his hotel room. He hoped that had given Bob enough time to talk to Kara. He saw that Bob was lying in bed watching TV. “So things okay with Kara?’
Bob pointed the remote at the TV and turned down the sound. “You talk to Monica?”
Gerard had a sinking feeling. “Not yet. I was gonna call her but I got to talking to Mikey. Why? What’s wrong now?”
Bob shook his head, “Call Monica.”
“Not even a hint at how bad this is gonna be?” He walked over to stand by the bed.
Bob got up, “I’m gonna take a shower.”
Gerard pulled out his phone and called home. Monica answered on the fourth ring. “Hey Gee, hold on a minute. I’m just walking Christa to the door.” He could hear them saying their goodbyes.
“Okay.” Monica said walking into the living room and taking a seat on the sofa.
“Christa stopped by to visit?’
“Yeah and she brought Elle a present from Ray. One of his stuffed animals.”
Gerard laughed slightly. Monica didn’t sound terribly upset. “Wow, he gave up one of his toys.”
“She loves it.” Monica said. “So how was the concert?”
“Nope we’re not gonna talk about me. You’re gonna tell me what’s going on.”
Gerard said kicking off his shoes and lying down on the bed.
Monica wondered briefly how much he knew. “What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know. All I know is Bob talked to Kara and said I needed to call you.”
Monica frowned, “That sounds bad. Like you wouldn’t have called me if something wasn’t wrong.”
Gerard stared at the ceiling, “You know I was gonna call you anyway. Now tell me what’s going on? Is this about the adoption idea? Cause Monica if you don’t want to deal with that right now I understand.”
Monica has tried to rehearse in her head what she was going to say but now it was forgotten. “Kelly and Luke got caught trespassing in an old deserted house. The police brought Kelly home.”
“What? Wait when did this happen?
“Today. They only had a half day of school so they decided to go there to be alone.”
Gerard picked up on the way she said ‘be alone”. ‘Oh fuck, don’t tell me they were making out.”
Monica rolled her eyes, “Ya think?” she said sarcastically.
“Shit. So how much trouble did they get into?”
Monica shook her head, “We don’t know yet if the owner of the property is gonna press charges.” She took a deep breath, “Kelly says they weren’t having sex but the police officer gave me the impression they were.”
Gerard honestly didn’t know what to say. He knew Monica was upset so he had to phrase his words correctly. “It’s not really the surprising. I told you Kelly’s in love with Luke.”
“In love?” Monica’s voice grew louder. “She’s too young for his.”
“Honey, calm down. Tell me what Kell told you.”
Monica took a deep breath, “She says they didn’t because Luke wouldn’t.”
“He probably didn’t have protection with him.” Gerard said more to himself than Monica.
“So you’re okay with this?” She asked incredulously.
He pulled out his cigarettes and lit one. “Look Monica, they are good kids. If I’m right then Luke was thinking with his head today not his dick.”
“Gerard” Monica said angrily.
“Hey, I’m being honest. Look talk to Kell and remind her that if she needs to be responsible.”
Monica closed her eyes, “She’s too young.” She whispered.
“Kara wasn’t much older when she and Bob hooked up.” Gerard said lowering his voice.
“Great. That makes me feel so much better.”
“I wish I was there to help you with this.” He said honestly.
“Gee I’ve had a rough day. I’m tired. I just want to crawl into bed and stay there until morning.”
“It will be okay.”
“Oh yeah, Luke’s dad called right before Christa showed up. He acted like it was all Kelly’s fault. Then he started to launch into a tirade about us paying the hospital bill.”
“What did you say to him?”
“I told him that as far as we were concerned Luke saved Kelly’s life and he’d just have to deal with it. Guess I was kinda rude but I just wasn’t in the mood to listen to him rant.”
“Be careful. That guy may very well someday be Kell’s father in law.”
“Oh shut up.” Monica said, “I’m going to bed. I don’t want to deal with anything else right now,”
“Not even me?’ He asked softly,
Monica let out a long suffering sigh, “What do I have to deal with about you?”
He smiled, “I’m suffering here. I miss you so much.”
She twisted on the sofa so she could lay down, “Don’t know how to help you with that one cause I have the same problem. I miss you.”
“That’s good to hear. I thought maybe you’d forgotten all about me.” He kidded.
“Not likely.”
“So how is everything else?’ He wanted to hear her talk about home. It made the miles between them seem bearable.
“Well, you know Elle and I helped Christa today. Then we came home just as the police were delivering Kelly to the house. Then I had an argument with Kara, we had dinner and once again Elle fought going to bed.”
“What was the argument with Kara about?”
She didn’t want to discuss it so she simply told him it was because Kara had driven Luke and Kelly to the house.
He could tell there was something she wasn’t telling him but he didn’t want to press her. “So how did you get Elle into bed?’ he asked instead.
“Kara gave her a bath and said that Elle could sleep with her in her room.”
“Sounds like Kara and Elle are getting along.”
Monica could hear how important this was to him, “Kara loves Elle. She really does.” She could hear him yawning. “Hey it’s late for you. You need to get to sleep.”
“But I’d rather talk to you.” He said frowning.
“When do you have to get up in the morning?’
He glanced over at the clock. “In five hours.”
“Okay, Mr. Way. Bedtime for you.” Monica laughed.
He knew she was right. Besides Bob had come out of the bathroom and was climbing into his bed. “Guess I should say goodnight. Bob looks pretty tired.”
Bob rolled his eyes.
They said goodnight and he disconnected. “She’s okay.” Gerard said to Bob putting is phone on the bedside table.
Bob nodded. He wondered how much Monica had told him. Because according to Kara things were pretty tense at the house. Sadly he guessed Monica wasn’t telling him everything.

Monica checked on the girls on her way to bed. They were all tucked in their beds sleeping peacefully. Frank looked up at her from the foot of Kara’s bed as she passed then promptly put his head back down and closed his eyes.
Once in bed Monica realized she and Gerard hadn’t talked about the whole adoption idea. It was for the best. Tonight her mind was cluttered and confused. She was leaning over to shut off the lamp when she saw the box on the dresser. When Liv had handed it to her she had decided to keep it in her room for the time being. She had meant to put it in the closet but had forgotten. For several minutes she sat looking over at it until curiosity got the best of her, She slid out of bed, retrieved the box and key and returned to the original spot. For several more minutes she simply looked down at the box sitting on the bed. Should she open it? Did she have the right? Liv hadn’t said anything other than she wanted it kept safe for Elle. Slowly Monica inserted the key, unlocked the box and lifted the lid.
The first item on top was a photo of Elle and Liv. It had been taken when Elle was a newborn. The love on Liv’s face as she looked down at the baby in her arms was touching. Monica sat the photo aside and picked up the next item. It was a lock of hair. Monica touched the baby fine lock and knew it belonged to Elle.
Outside thunder rumbled in the distance as Monica reached inside for the next item. It was a folded picture Elle had drawn with crayons. It said “To Mommy” in childish handwriting. Monica smiled at the picture and realized the love Liv must have felt when she had seen the gift.
Another clap of thunder announced the storm was getting closer. Next was a sealed envelope with Elle’s name written on the inside. It felt heavy and Monica guessed it contained letters. This item Monica would not open. She sat it on the bed and continued to reach into the box. She pulled out a note and recognized Gee’s handwriting. It asked Liv and asked her to hang with him after a concert. Had this been the first note he’d ever written her? Is that why she had kept it? Suddenly Monica felt a sadness she couldn’t explain. She sighed and pulled out the small black leather book that had been lying under the note. It was a book of love poetry. She flipped it open and saw the inscription.

To My Liv
I wish I could put into words my love for you as eloquently as these authors.
Love Gee

Monica looked over at the dresser where the book of poems Gerard had bought her in Europe sat. Her book has a similar inscription. Now the feeling of sadness she was changing. As another clap of thunder caused the lights to flicker as her fingers grabbed the plastic gumball container. It rattled as she lifted it out. Inside the plastic ring seemed to mock her. She knew the gumball container and ring Gerard had given her in Denver when they first became engaged as in her jewelry box. Now looking at Liv’s she felt a shiver run down her spine. She made herself continue to look at the rest of the items. There was a photo of Gee in the bear suit. Monica had heard the story but had never seen a picture. He looked so different then. The only thing left in the box was crumbling dried flowers. Monica felt tears in her eyes. She knew in her heart these were the remains of the wildflowers Liv had worn in her hair in the photo Gerard still kept.
Monica sat back and closed her eyes. It was then she made her decision.
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