Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To Save A Life

Saving A Life 1

by Moonshyne 2 reviews

Sam, Bob and Kenny begin their trek. The band once again steps in to help another.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-05 - Updated: 2008-03-06 - 1270 words - Complete

The next morning at the crack of dawn Sam and Kenny went through the room with a fine tooth comb to make sure they left no prints. Kenny once again checked Bob’s pulse and breathing to make sure they were all normal for someone who was under the influence of sodium pentothal. He gave him enough for a couple of more hours of sleep. Kenny was a little worried about his patient he had problems stopping the bleeding from his broken nose and hoped that it wouldn’t have too much interaction with the drug. They just needed to get out of the city.

“What do you want me to do with this?” asked Kenny. It was Bob’s blood stained hoodie. It was a present from Frank from his skeleton crew collection. It was unique as it had two rats back to back holding up a banner that said Crew and on top of that another banner that said Skeleton against a black background, which was now stained with dry blood.

“We’ll get rid of it on the way.”

Kenny lifted Bob and put his arm around his shoulder he put his arm around his waist and Sam did the same thing. They just about dragged him out of the room and into the van, and laid him down in the back seat. Kenny walked up to the Office but it was closed and dropped the key in the mail slot. He got back in the van, this time Sam drove. They got to a storage unit and waiting outside was a trailer. Kenny hitched it up and then got into the van.

“Why don’t you trash the hoodie here?”

Kenny took it to the dumpster and moved a few boxes so it could not be easily spotted.

He got back in the van and grabbed Sam’s hand and squeezed it. They looked at each other lovingly, leaned in and kissed each other.

“You ready?” asked Kenny.

“As I’ll ever be.”

They drove off and started heading to the city limits, where there was a long line of cars. It was a check point where they were searching cars for the missing rock star. Kenny pulled out a book from under his seat.

Sam smiled at him, “You still haven’t finished that? We got it the night it came out?”

“Hey you took it over first, and between the clinic, the hospital and being a boyfriend extraordinaire I didn’t have time.”

“What part are you up to?”

“Lupin asked Harry to be godfather of his son Teddy.”

“Do you want me to tell you what happens?”

“Nooo!!! I have tried for months to avoid the happenings. This is going to be a long trip, and thanks to you, made even longer. I want to sit back and enjoy.”

They finally made it to the check point Sam rolled down the window and an officer walked up to them.

“I thought you guys were leaving yesterday?” said the officer.

“We go into a little car trouble,” said Sam.

“You going to make it out to the coast okay?”

“We should.”

“Too bad you didn’t get out before this mess.”

“Any luck?”

“Nothing. It’s like the guy disappeared. Personally I think he’s dead. Though Barbie never seemed violent.”

“You just never know.”

The officer leaned on the van window, “Hey Kenny, you still reading that book? My kid read it in three days.”

“I’m gonna finish it on this trip if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Whose that in the back? You’re not picking up any hitchhikers?”

“It’s my cousin Teddy, he decided at the last minute to join us,” Kenny hated lying.

“Is he okay? I know you’re a doc and all, but he looks kinda out of it.”

“He’s fine he was up all night fixing the van. A couple of hours of sleep and he’ll be fine.”

“I’m gonna let you guys through unless you’re hiding the Bryar guy somewhere in there?”

“Ha, ha, ha,” said Sam.

“Seriously Sam good luck with everything, sometimes God works in mysterious ways.”

“Sometime he most certainly does.” Sam had to restrain herself from checking the back seat as she said it.

“Kenny take care and take good care of her.”

“Bye Dave.”

“Bye Teddy.” Of course there was no response.

“Dave,” said Sam. “Thanks for everything.”

“It’s the least I could do for my best friend’s stepdaughter.”

“Maybe see you out there.”

Dave then waved them through and they were on their way to the warm and sunny state of California.

At Bob’s apartment the band sat around the table just waiting for any news. They had been up almost twenty four hours straight, Brian went out and got coffee for everyone including the police that were bunkered down there, just in case there was a call.

Since the plea there had been over three thousand calls all stating that they had seen Bob. They thought they had thirty solid leads but they ended up being nothing.

An hour later a homeless man was going through the dumpster at the storage sight he was looking for broken down cardboard boxes to sleep on when he saw the back of the hoodie. The man grabbed it to wear, but threw it to the ground when he saw the blood.

After another hour went by an employee of the storage facility was going out to get coffee, he spotted the hoodie and immediately recognized it. He dialed 911.

“911 What is the nature of you call?”

“I think I found Bob Bryar’s hoodie. It looks like the one on tv from the robbery.”

The police surrounded the storage facility and collected the evidence. At the lab they found a message sewn into the ribbing inside the wrist. It said, ‘Thanks for everything, Love Frank.’

The lab worked profusely to find if the blood was a DNA match to hairs and toothbrush saliva they took from Bob’s apartment. It was a match. They called the officer in charge at the apartment and filled him in.

He looked at the group solemnly, “I have some news and it’s not good. We found what we believe to be Mr. Bryar’s sweatshirt. It was covered in blood and it was a DNA match to Mr. Bryars. I’m sorry. Not to give false hope or anything. There was no evidence of a hole that would be caused by a bullet or knife.”

Gerard had had enough, he took off. It was too early for bars to be serving, but the liquor store down the street was open for sure. He went in and bought a bottle of Smirnoffs. He sat on a bench in front of Bob’s place staring at the bottle. He opened it and started to take a swig.

“He’d kill you if he knew,” said the familiar voice of Brian.

“Guess it doesn’t matter right now, does it?”

“This is Bob we’re talking about, remember the muscle?” said Mikey.

“The bitch probably pissed him off and they got into a fight and she broke his nose or something,” said Frankie.

“You’ll see he’ll be okay,” said Ray. “He wouldn’t want you to waste all your hard work over this.”

Gerard looked up at his band, Brian and Craig.

“I’m raising the reward to two fifty,” said Craig.

Gerard handed the bottle to Brian. “Thanks guys for saving my ife once again.”
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