Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To Save A Life

Awake and Unafraid

by Moonshyne 2 reviews

Bob wakes up as they begin their trek in earnest.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2008-03-06 - Updated: 2008-03-06 - 1275 words - Complete

Kenny looked in the back seat for what seemed like the hundredth time that hour. He didn’t want to tell Sam that Bob should have been up at least two hours ago. Kenny once again went back there and checked on his patient. But this time Bob started to finally stir. Kenny grabbed a large bowl from behind Bob, knowing exactly what was going to happen next. He hated when he was right, Bob lost everything that was in his stomach and more.

“I thought it was all a crazy nightmare, but here you all are,” said Bob quietly.

Bob slowly went to sit up, but again his stomach started to turn again. “What did you give me anyway?”

“Sodium Pentothal.”

“Truth Serum?”

“The movies would make you believe that’s the only thing it is good for. It’s really an ultra fast working sedative.”

“You can say that again.”

“How’s your nose?”

“It’s killing me.”

“Here take a couple of these.”

“What are those?”

“Motrin. I figured you had enough of drugs that would make you sleepy.”

Bob took the pills along with a swig of water from the bottle that Kenny had given him. Then he leaned his head on the window and gazed at the sight infront of him. There was nothing but farm land.

“Where are we?”


“Can I ask where we’re going?”

Kenny looked at Sam and she shook her head no.

“Never mind I can see who wears the pants in this relationship.”

“Well she is holding the guns,” smiled Kenny.

Bob decided he liked Kenny. He was everything Barbie wasn’t. Bob leaned back and yawned then he caught a glimpse of himself in the side mirror.

“What the fuck? Where’s my beard, I’ve had facial hair since I left working for Disney.” Bob took another look in the mirror once the shock of losing his beloved beard was over. “What did you do to my hair and where is my lip ring?”

Sam was trying so hard not to laugh, she was thankful she had to concentrate on driving.

“You worked at Disney? Which one?” asked Kenny.

“The one in Orlando.”

Doing what?”

“I worked at a couple of the shows.”

“Which ones?”

“I was the drummer in the Aladdin show.”

“You said you worked on a couple of them, what other one?”

“TheLittleMermaid,” Bob mumbled.

“The Little Mermaid? What did you do there?”

“I was a sailor.”

Sam did lose it at that. Bob thought, ‘How could such a maniac have such a pretty laugh.’ It reminded him of Kat. He wished he could hold her right now.

“Don’t laugh I needed some extra cash while I was going to school.”

“What did you go to school for?” asked Kenny.

“Sound Engineering.”

“Did you find work in that field?”

“I worked at the House of Blues for a couple of years. Then I met The Used and they asked me to be their front of house sound guy. When I wasn’t with them I did sound for other bands, after a while a tour managed too. I made a pretty decent living.”

“So how do you go from sound guy to drummer?”

“I was always a drummer. It was my dream to play with a band who would give up everything to tour, just play for the love of playing. My Chem made all my dreams come true. Now I have a bum wrist and I don’t know if I’ll ever get to play again. Maybe this has made it easier for the band to sack me. I felt it coming on.”

“Poor baby, you got to live out your dream for a while. There are some people that don’t live long enough to realize their dream or worse they had a chance at it not once but twice and it was stolen away from them,” said Sam in a disgusted voice.

Kenny looked at Sam as her eyes welled. Bob saw her wipe a her face as she looked straight ahead. He knew there was something more to all this and hoped to find out before he escaped or was killed.

The van remained silent for the next hour. The radio was broken so there wasn’t even background noise, nor could they hear the pleas of four men asking for their brother’s safe return along with a new offer of two hundred and fifty thousand for information leading to his safe return.

“Hey Bob under the seat there’s a box labeled cds will you get them for me?”

Bob looked under the seat and sure enough on the other side was the box in question. Kenny opened it and looked at Sam raising his eyebrows. She in turn rolled her eyeballs and said, “Fine.”

“So what was your first album?”

“Mine or the band’s? I wasn’t on the first two albums.”

“Which ones are you on?”

“How many you got there?”


“Can I see them?”

Kenny handed them to him. Bob took them and handed him back ‘I Gave you My Bullet, You Gave Me Your Love’. “This is their first album it’s just songs about stuff Gerard, our lead singer, was going through. He writes all the lyrics while we tell him sounds good or what doesn’t. He always runs it by us. We then write are own instrumental parts. It’s really harder than I thought it would be. Kinda frustrating.”

“Some weird titles, ‘Skylines and Turnstile’ ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You, Honey This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us’? That has got to be the longest song title ever.

“Skylines is about what happened on September 11th, Gerard watched as the buildings went down. He went home and wrote this song. ‘Vampires’ is the band’s obsession with horror movies. ‘Honey’, I believe is about Gerard and his girlfriend’s breakup.”

Kenny threw the cd in a portable player and that was pluigged into the cigarette holder, “Punk? Well that was interesting “Screamo punk.”

Sam opened her mouth and put her finger in it pretending to gag. While listening to Vampires, Bob saw Kenny start tapping his foot. By Headfirst for Halos both were kind of hooked in though Sam wouldn’t admit it. Bob saw it though she was bopping her head and Kenny was playing air drums.

Early Sunset over Monroeville was on and Sam admitted that it was a really pretty song. By the time ‘Cubicles’ started playing, Bob was biting his fingernails. Sam noticed this in the rearview mirror, “What’s the matter can’t stand hearing the other drummer?”

“First off I have been up for almost two hours now and not for nothing I’m really hungry, I need a smoke, and I gotta take a piss.”

“Fine we’ll get directions to a gas station or something,” said Sam.
“Pull over to the side that will take care of the piss problem,” said Bob defiantly.

“You forget who you’re talking to?”

“You think I’m afraid of you? You need me, I don’t know why but you do. If you didn’t you would have left me in the car trunk like you promised or even killed me already.”

Sam knew he was right. She did need him. She needed to make at least part of a dying wish come true. She turned to Kenny and said, “Knock him out and put a catheter in him.” She then turned to Bob and said “See all your problems solved.”
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