Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To Save A Life

Saving A Life 2

by Moonshyne 1 review

Another escape attempt is thwarted. Bob has a tough decision to make, or is it?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2008-03-07 - Updated: 2008-03-07 - 1692 words - Complete

Sam pulled into the next driveway she saw. “You keep your mouth shut, because I really don’t need you that bad.”

Bob smirked a little, she did need him.

They got out of the van and she grabbed his wrists and handcuffed them, “Play nice,” she whispered in his ear.

Sam knocked on the door, after a few moments an elderly woman came and opened it.

“Hello there how can I help you folks?”

“Hi my name is Leslie Manners and this here is Tony Nielson,” she pointed at Kenny. We’re police officers from Chicago bringing this criminal” she looks at Bob, “to Kansas City.”

“Oooh my what did he do?”

“He a drug addict who ended up stealing people’s dreams.”

Bob was about to say something when Kenny nodded his head.

“Ma’am we’re really sorry to bother you but could you let our friend use your bathroom?”

“Of course anything to help the police. It’s up the stairs first door on the right.”

Kenny brought Bob upstairs, “Why did you let her lie like that?”

“Because it really isn’t one,” said Kenny quietly.


“C’mon Bob we hear the stories, sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll.

Bob shook his head, “You really no nothing about this band.” Bob started walking to the door. “Can you uncuff me or are you gonna hold it for me?”

Kenny took out the key that Sam handed to him as they were walking in.

“Don’t try anything.”

“Like break my foot from jumping out the second floor?”


Bob laughed to himself any MCR fan would have gotten the reference.

Sam and the elderly woman were having a nice conversation when the boys got back down.

“Is he okay not being handcuffed?” asked the woman.

“Are you?” asked Sam

“Yeah.” Bob said disdainfully. Then he turned to the woman and said thank you for letting him use the bathroom. Kenny excused himself and asked if he too could use the bathroom.

The elderly woman said of course. Then she turned to Bob, “Honey why did you start doing drugs, maybe living in the big city you were bored when you were younger. If you work hard you wouldn’t be getting into trouble.”

“Ma’am I don’t do drugs, only when a doctor gives them to me.”

“The courts will decide that. He’s also a liar so be careful what he says.”

After Kenny came back Sam took her turn. While in there she broke down in tears, Bryar was getting to her testing her at every opportunity. Making her want to tell him everything he did. For what a high that went bad? No he wasn’t going to get to her, he’s just an asshole rock star. Part of a stupid band her younger sister idolized. She used the last of the toilet paper and went to see if there was a new one under sink. She found it alright with a note written on it.

‘Help, my name is Bob Bryar and I’m being held hostage. Call the police. It’s a dark blue Voyager with Illinois license plate 572 348.’

She took a bunch of paper and threw down the toilet.

‘Where did he get the pen?’ she thought.

On a table next to the tub she found a pen and pad of paper she looked and sure enough there was another note, she ripped that page and a few pages below out and shoved them behind her pants. He was really getting on her nerves. As she walked out of the bathroom she almost laughed realizing she would be doing the exact same thing. It meant she had to be on her toes. ‘Who would have thunk a smart rock star?’ she said to herself.

Bob let Kenny talk to the woman knowing he had the perfect plan upstairs. Hopefully in a few hours it will be all over and Barbie and Kenny would be in jail. He would be back in Chicago hopefully with Kat apologizing once again and getting the help he needed to get him back on track. He also hoped to be apologizing to the band for freaking out too much about not being able to play these past few months. Everything was going to be perfect.

Sam came down the stairs. The woman was lighting a cigarette for Bob when she got back into the kitchen. He sat there and took a good long drag and thought, ‘Yes everything will be perfect.’

“I hope you don’t mind but I took the last bit of toilet paper and replaced it with a new one,” she raised her eyebrows at Bob.

Bob thought it was okay, he still had the other.

“By the way my name is Ida. I should have introduced myself earlier.”

“Well we’ll just be off Ida, thank you so much for your hospitality. Do you know where we can get something to eat?”

“Why don’t you just have something here? You really don’t want to go out in the public with the likes of him?”

Sam smiled sweetly, “No we wouldn’t.”

“Ida you don’t have to,” chimed in Bob.

“The boys will be coming in for dinner soon so it won’t be a big bother.”

“Jim’s right just let us know where the nearest place to eat is,” said Sam.

“Is that his name? His eyes look familiar, I think I saw him on one of those news shows like Dateline or something?”

“I’m sure you didn’t,” said Sam nervously.

“I know now. You’re right he had blonde hair, a moustache and beard. I think his name was Bob or something like that and he was in a band. He wasn’t a criminal like Jim here.”

Sam was squirming in her chair this was way too close for comfort.

“The police department is doing everything to find him. We really have to go? We need to be in Kansas City soon.”

“Here take these for the road.” Ida handed Kenny a plate of Hermits, “There is a place about ten miles up the road.”

“Thanks Ida, maybe you can write about the experience. Not everyday you have two cops and criminal come to the door,” said Bob.

The three walked to the van.

Sam turned to Kenny, “You drive for a while, I need to have a talk with our friend here.”


Sam threw the keys to him and got in back with Bob.

“Well Bryar I do give you and A for effort,” as she took the papers out from behind her back.

Bob’s hopes and dreams were gone in a flash.

They found the diner that Ida talked about and Kenny went in, ordered the food and brought it out to the van when it was done. Bob savored every bite and enjoyed the taste of Coke. It wasn’t Red Bull but for now it was great. He wondered if he would ever get to taste Red Bull again. What was she going to do when she was done needing him.

They made their way to Kansas City and got a room at the Residence Inn. It was late as they had been on the road for longer than they wanted to be. Sam turned the tv on an promptly changed it to a cable station as she laid down the rules about no news programs.

Bob took his shoes off, laid down on the pullout sofa and was out a few minutes later. Sam took a shower and changed, Kenny was going to wait a little while.

“Have a hermit, we left you one.”

“One, geez thanks.”

“Wow these are great,” said Sam after downing it with some milk they had bought for the ride.

Kenny and Sam were lying on the other bed with the lights off and his arms around her when he noticed that she felt different. He noticed her breathing was shallow, he turned on the light and she was swollen head to toe.

He ran to the pullout and started shaking Bob, “Bob wake up, please.”

Finally Bob started to stir. “Here’s the van keys inside the back is a small refrigerator, in there is a small blue box bring it up here quick.”

“What’s going on?”

“She had an allergic reaction to the hermits.”

Bob could tell by the look on Kenny’s face what ever was happening wasn’t good.

Bob took the keys slipped on his shoes and ran out to the van. He stood and looked at the van then the keys, freedom was his. That’s when the voice called out, “Bob please she’s dying.”

He looked at the keys once more than ran to the back of the van, he hurriedly moved some stuff and found the fridge, and the small blue box.

He took it and ran back to the room where he found Kenny performing CPR.

Kenny grabbed the box and took out the predosed needle and jabbed it in her thigh. Within minutes the swelling was going down and Sam was breathing somewhat normal again. Kenny fished through her pocketbook and found her inhaler.

“C’mon baby, take a deep breath.” She did and soon she felt better. Kenny went over to Bob and got the keys from him.

“Thanks, you could have ran and had your freedom, but you didn’t. You’re not much different you two.”

“You’re wrong about that.”

“Ask yourself a question Bob, what would you do to save a life? If there was a means but the avenue to achieve was just out of reach and every option was taken away from you?” Kenny took a deep long breath before talking again, “You just gave up your freedom for someone you don’t know, what would you do if it was someone you really cared about? I don’t think your and her answers are much different.

Bob didn’t even need to think of his answer, it was anything.
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