Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Listeners

Details and loudspeaker

by natzlovesyou 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-03-16 - Updated: 2008-03-17 - 1153 words

Chapter 6

I accompanied Frank to Paul's room but I refused to go inside. Instead, I pressed my back against the glass window and stared at the white wall in front of me as my fingers locked in random strands of my ripped leggins. I let my head slip to my right side, my hair falling to my shoulders, tickling my skin and sending shivers up my spine. I was in such a tranze, drunk in a state of nothingness.
"Are you sure you don't want to get in?" Those simple words ripped me from my balance and I screamed and fell to the floor.
"What the fuck, Tanith?" Frank was instantly on his knees, taking my hand to push me to a sitting position.
"I got...ah, distracted" I said slowly. I heard a rustle, beeps, and steps.
"It's normal, Frank" I heard his majestic voice say. My eyes flew to meet Paul's. Then they met the drips of blood that where coming out of his veins from the irrational way in which he had stood up.
"Call a nurse" I ordered Frank and he gave us apprehensives looks as he ran away.
"I think we scared him" I commented, unable to not speak to him.
"Yes. He doesn't know us, does he? This is normal in us. We're weird and irrational like that, are we not?"
"Yes, we are"
We both smiled. Our moment was broken by the flustered nurse who all but pushed Paul back to his bed and wired him up again. Frank was walking behind her with a woman in tow. She was on her way to being overweight, with pretty features and short black hair. She didn't look so happy when she saw me,though. Her ear to ear smile turned into a hipocritical one, with hatred written all over it.
"This is Tanith, Jamia. Tanith, this is my girlfriend, Jamia." Frank introduced us.
I lifted myself from the floor and smiled at Jamia, extending my hand.
"Nice to meet you, Jamia" I said in a cheerfull tone.
"Yes, the same to you. Sorry I can't shake your never knows what has been on hospital floors"
I looked down on the floor and remembered I was lying there just a few seconds ago. Was she talking about me? Or about body fluids and other disgusting stuff in general? I was being paranoid.
"Yes, you're right. I'm going to the bathroom right now" And so I turned my back on them and walked to the bathroom.
I walked into the inmaculate bathroom and washed my hands thoroughly in the icy water. I cleansed my face as well, and used a paper towel to dry it. I fumbled with my hair a bit and got out of the bathroom. The guys were there along with manager, and Paul was seated in a wheelchair.
"Just in time, I see" Manager mumbled approvingly. I nodded, as I walked towards them I noticed that both Jamia and Frank had dissapeared. I was about to ask Paul where they had gone when he gave me a suspicious wink. I nodded and continued our way to the bus that was awaiting us.
"It didn't take you long to have something happen to you, did it?" Manager sighed as we stepped up into the bus.
"Well, at least we haven't missed any shows.../yet/" Thomas kidded. Manager's eyebrow started going up and down: his nervous tick. All of us erupted in laughter.
"I'm /kidding/, manager!" Thomas told him in between laughs, slapping his shoulder.
"Hmm..." John murmured, eyeing Paul and me suspiciously.
"Now what" I asked in exasperation.
"Well, I had seemed to understand that you two were in some sort of fight...It didn't last long, did it?"
"And the point in that is...?"
"None, Tanith, none whatsoever"

The bus started as soon as we hoped on it. Apparently, we were a bit late. The first hour or so made me so uneasy I just sat on the couch with a magazine in hand and stared at the pictures. I couldn't get my eyes to focus on the letters, everything was moving so slightly that it was making me crazy. The boys had fallen asleep almost inmediatly, with their mouths ajar and drool on their lower lip. My cellphone buzzed and I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.
"heeeeello" I answered in a nonchalant tone, turning the page I had been staring at for the past ten minutes or so.
"There's a happy camper" A voice I recognized too well said.
"KAMZ!" I yelled loudly, throwing the magazine aside, "I SOO needed your call!" I screamed enthusiastically.
"Why wut happened?"
"I'll summarize it in one word: hospital"
"Oh man! Seriously?? You only had one show! You guys can't be that stupid!"
"Don't meddle me in there! I swear I had nothing to do!! It was all Paul. He was the one with the mild concussion!"
I laughed. Her voice just relaxed me completely. I kicked out my shoes and sat indian style on the couch. "Yeah, this is first, isn't it?"
"Totally...Oh my God! Tell me, tell me! What happened?"
"Well-" In that moment I was interrupted by Thomas falling from the other couch and John waking up just to laugh at him.
"What are you laughing at? What happened?" Kamz asked instantly.
"Thom and John were sleeping in the couch in front of me and then Thom fell and John woke up just to laugh at him" I said in between waves of hysterical laughter that were echoed by Kamz's.
"It's not funny motherfucker! Who's on the goddamn phone?" Thom asked, annoyed.
I pouted and said in an innocent tone, "Kamz"
Then I had to laugh even louder as I saw Thom's expression changing completely: he hada secret crush on Kamz, always had. It was funny as hell.
"Aw, men! You made him blush even on the phone! I need a fucking camera of my own!" I bitched to Kamz. I pressed the loudspeaker on, knowing the kind of answer Kamz would say.
"Haha, well what did you expect? No one can resist me! Especially when I'm in my underwear and have a bucket of chocolate icecream in between my legs."
I cracked up at Thom's expression.
"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Kamz yelled back. "I fucking HATE when you do that, Tanith!"
"I know,but it's still funny as hell" I said giggling.
"Ugh" I heard her say fromt he other side as I turned the loudspeaker off.
"Fine, loudspeaker's off. Happy now?"
"Yes. Most deff"

Sorry it's taken so long kiddies! And that it seems somewhat unfinshed but I just needed to cut it i still haven't go the 'hang' of it yet I need to get my writting pants on. Reviews make me happy, ya know?
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