Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Could Have Done Anything - MAR 18

by AlexSanDee 1 review

The end of a very hard day

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-18 - Updated: 2008-03-18 - 1429 words

Monica was bone tired. It has been a long stressful day. Taking to Gee earlier had been hard. He had been so upbeat after the concert and she had struggled to sound just as happy. He asked her what was wrong several times and each time she had lied telling him things back home were just fine. As she crawled into bed her thoughts went back the Liv’s childhood. What, she wondered, would Gee think when he found out the truth that Liv was only sixteen when they first got together. She shook her head sadly. There just had to be someway to make Liv realize that she needed to talk to Gerard. It was so important.
She switched off the bedside lamp and settled down in the blankets. Hopefully Liv would sleep through the night. Her larger doses of pain medicine should help. Monica was surprised when her cell phone rang. Quickly she reached for it on the bedside table. “Hello”
“Hey, you.” Gerard’s voice brought a smile to her face.
“Gee, what are you doing calling? It’s early in the morning for you.”
“Fucking early but I wanted to call you when I knew you’d be in bed.”
Monica smiled, “Well, you’re right, I’m in bed.”
“I didn’t wake you did I?”
“Nope, actually I just crawled under the blankets. What’s up?”
Gerard took a sip of his coffee and looked around the mostly deserted coffee shop. “Nothing really. I just miss you.”
“I miss you too.” Monica answered, “So damn much.”
“I wish I was right there beside you.” He lowered his voice, “I’d take you in my arms.”
“And?” Monica smiled.
“And you know what.” He laughed. “Monica is everything okay between us?” he asked suddenly growing serious. “I mean I haven’t done anything to make you mad, have I?”
“Oh, Gee.” Monica closed her eyes, “No, you haven’t done anything wrong. I just miss you.”
He relaxed a bit, “Are you regretting our decision about the baby?”
Once more Monica tried to make her voice sound happy, “Gee, I want us to have a baby. Have you heard anything else from Brian?”
“He’s gonna talk to Stacy today. As far as I know the mother is very open to the idea of us adopting her baby.”
“Good” Monica said.
“You know I don’t know the first thing about babies. I wonder what Elle looked like when she was newborn? Think Liv has any pictures?”
Monica thought to the photo she knew was in the wooden box on her dresser. “I’m sure she must.”
He sighed, “Well when she comes back we’ll have to ask.”
Monica could feel tears forming, “Yeah, we will.”
“So how’s Bug? She still upset about Liv leaving?” He took another sip of coffee waiting for her answer.
“She asks about her mommy all the time.” Monica answered honestly.
“I just don’t understand, Liv.” He said frowning, “I never did.”
Monica tried to keep her voice neutral, “I’m sure there are reasons Liv is like she is.”
“I don’t know. Maybe that’s just how she is.”
“I think there are reasons people act the way they do. I have the feeling Liv’s past has a lot to do with the woman she is now.” Monica said honestly.
“I wouldn’t know.” Gerard said, “She would never tell me anything about her past. Fuck, she wouldn’t even tell me where she was from.”
Monica remained silent.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about Liv. I want to talk about us. Given any more thought to going to Vegas when I get back?”
“I think it’s what we should do.” Monica answered, “I really want to.”
“Me too.” He said, “I just want out lives to be perfect. I want us to be married so we can truly begin our happily ever after.”

Kelly slid into bed next to Elle. The little girl was curled up hugging a stuffed dog that had once belonged to Mikey. When Donna had been cleaning out a closet the stuffed animal had fallen to the floor and Elle had grabbed it.
Pulling up the covers to her chin, Kelly smiled in the darkness. Her evening with Luke hadn’t gone as planned but had turned into something wonderful. She loved him so much for understanding her. He really did listen to her words. He truly understood how she felt. It had been so hard for her to tell him about what had happened with Mike but she was glad he knew the truth. She was glad he knew the truth and still loved her.
Beside her Elle whimpered in her sleep. Kelly reached out and brushed her hand across Elle back to offer comfort. Elle murmured mommy and Kelly suddenly wanted to cry. She wondered how they were going to tell Elle the truth about her mom when Liv was gone. Kelly closed her eyes and said a prayer for Liv and Elle. She also added Dad to the prayer.

Luke snuffed out his cigarette and leaned back in his bed. He closed his eyes and remembered how right it had felt to have Sunshine laying beside him. It had taken ever ounce of willpower not to make love to her. His body had almost betrayed him but he knew it would have been wrong. It was important she understood that he would always love her and that she would never have to do anything she wasn’t absolutely ready to do to keep that love.
He lifted his arm and flexed his fingers. They still were very stiff and it worried him. What if he was never able to draw again? He had always planned on going to Art school. Art was the love of his life after Sunshine. It was how he planned on making a living. He worried about things like that now that he had Sunshine. He knew he needed to make something of his life for her. But the worry wouldn’t leave his head. What would he do if suddenly art weren’t an option? Luke knew in his heart he would do anything to be the man she needed. He just hoped his best would be good enough.

Liv pulled herself out of the nightmare. It was the same one again. Joe pulled open the door to the closet and found her hiding place. At least this time she’d hadn’t screamed. Slowly she tried to pull her self up into a sitting position but the pain was too much. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Can I get you anything?” Monica’s voice was just above a whisper.
Liv turned, “What are you doing up?”
“I just got off the phone with Gee.” Monica walked over and took a seat in the chair. “Did the pain wake you?”
Liv shook her head, “No, I had another fucking nightmare.” She noticed Monica had something in her hands.
Monica smiled. “I thought you might like to keep this with you.” She handed the photo to Liv.
Her hand shook as Liv held it up so the nightlight shown on the photograph, “You know this is the only photo I have of Elle as a newborn.” She gave a small humorless laugh, “I was so busy trying to figure out how to care for her when she was a baby I didn’t think to take pictures.”
“Gee was saying how he wondered what Elle looked like as a baby. He said he wanted to ask you if you had any when you get back.” Monica’s said sadly.
“You think I was wrong to leave him, don’t you?”
Monica sighed, “Liv, that is hard for me to answer. I love him with all my heart. If you hadn’t left him then I wouldn’t be with him now.”
“Yeah, I understand. That isn’t a fair question to ask you.”
Monica thought a moment, “I guess I still don’t understand though. Did you really think you couldn’t let go of your past to love him?”
“I could have done anything to love him,” Liv whispered. “I loved him so much.”
“But then why did you leave?” Monica was confused by her words.
Liv held the photo of herself and Elle tightly to her chest, “I left because I loved him so much.” She closed her eyes, “Because I loved him.”
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