Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Just A Few Hours - MAR 28

by AlexSanDee 1 review

Kelly is worried about Luke, Frank worries about Gerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-28 - Updated: 2008-03-28 - 1676 words

“Monica, good to see you. Come on in Stacey is already here.” Brian gave Monica a quick hug then led her towards his office.
“Good to see you too Brian.” Monica said looking around as they walked. “You know I really liked working here.”
“Hey, you can come back anytime.” He said with a smile, “Although I’m pretty sure you’re too busy now and if all goes right you’ll have a new baby and I’m sure that will really keep you busy.”
Monica nodded, “Definitely.” They walked into Brian’s office and he shut the door behind them.
“Stacy, this is Monica.” Brain said introducing the two women.
“Good to meet you. I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about you.” Stacey said.
Monica smiled, “Nice to meet you too.” She took the seat next to Stacy. “Thank you for setting up this opportunity for us.”
Stacy smiled, “Well when Brian mentioned you and Gee were thinking of adopting I kept the thought in the back of my mind. Then when my associate told me about his daughter’s friend I immediately thought of you two.”
“I have to admit I know nothing about adoptions. I really thought Gee and I would have to wait quite a while for an opportunity like this to arise.”
Stacy nodded, “Going through normal adoption channels you would but this is different. A private adoption like this is handled differently. If the mother chooses you and Gerard normally you both will agree to pay her medial expanses. Once the baby is born the papers will be signed and you and Gerard will be the baby’s parents.”
“But what if she changes her mind?” Monica asked, “Does that happen often?”
“Occasionally that does but in this case I’ve spoken to the girl. She has no contact with the baby’s father and she herself knows she can’t deal with the responsibility of raising a child. She in college right now and is planning on studying abroad next year.”
“When is the baby due?”
“The baby is due in October. So you and Gerard will be married by that time.”
“Does that matter?” Monica questioned.
“Not really because it’s a private adoption. She could chose to allow a single person to adopt her baby if she wanted.”
“And she’s absolutely sure she wants to give up the baby.” Monica asked.
“Yes, I spoken to her several times. She’s really a very bright young woman who had made this choice because she believes it will be best for her child.”
“So we’re going to meet with her now?” Monica didn’t want to sound like she was rushing this but she wanted to get back home.
Stacy stood, “You’re in a hurry to talk to her, I understand.” She turned to Brian. “Good seeing you, don’t forget you owe me lunch.”
Monica stood too, “Thanks for all your help.” She told him.
“Hey, I’m just hoping this works out for all of you. I know how excited Gee is about this.”
Monica followed Stacy out to her car. They would drive to a lawyer’s office for the meeting. “Can I talk to her alone?” Monica asked after they pulled out into traffic.
“Certainly” Stacy said, “I think that would be a wise idea.”
Sitting back in the seat Monica tried to focus on what was happening right now. This adoption was important to Gerard and to her. This would be an important part of their future together. She closed her eyes and willed herself to forget what was happening at home, if just for a few hours.

Kelly looked around the lunchroom and spotted Kara sitting alone. She made her way through the tables and sat down next to her sister who was texting on her phone.
“Sending a message to Bob?” she guessed.
“Yeah.” Kara set the phone down, “So where’s Luke?”
“He had a doctors appointment this morning. I thought he’d be at school by now.” In truth she was very worried. He had told her he was planning on coming to school as soon as he was done at the doctor’s office.
“It’s a nice day. He probably decided to skip out and not come to school.” Kara said picking at her mashed potatoes on the plate in front of her.
“No, he told me he was gonna come to school.” Kelly said with a frown. “God, I hope he didn’t get bad news from the doctor.”
Kara could hear the concern in her voice, “Hey, I’m sure he’ll be okay. So how’s Bug?”
Kelly sighed, “Last night she kept asking me about her mommy. Shit, who’s gonna tell her when Liv dies?”
“I suppose eventually Mom and Gerard will have to tell her but how much will she understand? Oh, do you know Bert is staying at our house?”
“Bert? What’s he doing there?”
“He came by to see Mom last night and Liv wanted to see him.” She shook her head sadly, “He’s so in love with Liv it’s brutal to see him with her. Last night he slept on the floor by her bed.”
“Poor Bert.” Kelly said, “But in a way I’m glad he’s there. I just wish Dad could be there too.”
Kara agreed, “Yeah, Gee needs to know what’s going on. I hate lying to Bob. I’m pretty fucking sure he knows I’m keeping something from him.”
Both girls sat in silence for several minutes. “I wish Luke would show up.” Kelly said. “I’m really getting worried.”
“Have you tried to call his house?”
“No answer.” Kelly picked up her phone and called again. There was still no answer.
“Boy needs a cell phone.” Kara said
“Yeah, he does. But he says his dad told him they were a waste of money.”
Kara laughed, “Not true.” She made a decision. “Be right back.”
Kelly watched as she walked out of the lunchroom. She returned a few minutes later.
“Now we wait.” Kara said sitting back down at the table.
“For what?” Kelly gave her a puzzled look.
A few minutes later a student aid walked over to them and handed Kara a note.
“What’s that?” Kelly asked.
“Come on, we gotta go to the office.” Kara stood and picked up her tray.
“Why are we going to the office?” Kelly asked standing and following her sister as she weaved her way through the lunch tables. Once they were in the hall Kara explained.
“Cause they are gonna tell us at the office to go home.”
“What?” Kelly asked, “Why?”
Kara smiled, “Cause Mom called and told them there was a family emergency and she wanted us to be excused to go home.”
“Kara, what are you talking about? What family emergency?”
“Come on, dweeb. Just keep quiet.” They entered the office where they were told to sign out and head home. As soon as they were out the school doors Kelly spoke.
“Okay what’s going on?”
“Well, I called Mom and told her that you and I were feeling the stress and needed to leave school. She was just getting ready to go meet with the mother of the kid they want to adopt and she agreed so she called the school.”
“Mom, lied to get us out of school?”
Kara unlocked her car and they got in, “Not really a lie. We are under a lot of stress. Now, let’s drive by Luke’s and see if he’s hiding out at home.”
Kelly was shocked by her sister’s actions, “Thanks, Kara.”
“No problem, dweeb.” She said as she pulled out into traffic, “What are sisters for?”

“I’m so glad to be home.” Jamia said snuggling up on the sofa. “And I’m so glad you’re here with me.”
Frank kneeled down by the sofa. “So I can wait on you hand and foot?” he teased.
Jamia smiled, “Yeah, that sounds good. What’s for dinner?”
“We just had lunch.” He reminded her, “Remember, on the way home, drive through, veggie pita’s?”
“Oh, yeah.” Jamia yawned, “Now I remember but I’m tired and I know I’m gonna fall asleep so I just figured I should get dinner in order before I nap.”
Frank reached out and stroked her face, “In order. I see, so what do you wish?”
She yawned again, “Something yummy.”
“Okay. Got it. Something yummy. Close your eyes and take a nap.” He stood. “I’ll see what’s in the kitchen and plan something.” He started for the kitchen when she called out his name.
He turned back around, “Yeah?”
“I’m worried about Monica. She’s under so much stress.” She said softly.
Frank walked back over and sat down in the easy chair, “Me too. This is gonna really fuck Gee up. He needs to know what’s happening.”
“I think so too but I understand how important it is to Monica to keep her promise to Liv.”
“Yeah, I understand too. I think I’ll give her a call and see how’s she’s doing.” He picked up the landline and called her house. Jamia opened her eyes and saw him hanging the phone up quickly.
“What’s wrong?”
Frank shook his head, “I called the house and a guy answered.”
“A guy?” Jamia repeated. “Well did you ask for Monica?”
“No, I was too shocked, I guess.” He thought a moment, “Jamia, it sounded like Bert.”
Jamia’s eyes widened, “Bert? You think he’s over at Monica’s? Maybe Liv wanted to see him.”
“Maybe.” Frank said slowly, “Shit, if that’s true then Gee really needs to know what’s going on. He will be fucking tore up if he finds out that Bert talked to Liv and he didn’t. Man, this is all so fucked up.”
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