Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Emerald Blaze

Chapter Two

by kingblack 24 reviews

The aftermath and consequences of a mistake. Also, a new player joins the scene.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Fleur,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron,Bill Weasley - Published: 2008-03-30 - Updated: 2008-03-30 - 1517 words - Complete

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything affiliated with it. PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!!!

AN: Due to much controversy caused by the similarities between this and Jeconais's "Best Man", I would again like to apologize and ask that Jeconais's forgives me. I didn't mean to rip off your idea if thats what you think. I was just reading through the seventh book when I thought of it. Sorry.

Anyway, here ya go! Chapter Two!

Emerald Blaze
Chapter Two

Harry sighed as took a swig of butterbeer. Despite what had happened last night and the abysmal mood that permeated the air now, it was turning out to be a wonderful day. Nature seemed to mock the once happy people with the brightly shinning sun and the happy birds dancing through the air, chirping merrily all the way.

As the kitchen was too small to hold everyone comfortably, Harry sat at the head of a large rectangular table outside in the garden with the others sitting on either side of him. On his right sat Fleur, her sister Gabriel, her mother Mrs.Delacour, Hermione, Ginny and the newly arrived Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. Tonks had left soon after discovering what had happened and Mrs. Weasley was busy preparing breakfast. On his left were Bill, Charlie, Ron, the twins, Remus, and Mr. Delacour. Mr. Weasley was inside helping Mrs. Weasley and trying to get her to talk to him.

Harry took another swig of butterbeer, placing the now empty bottle to the side with the other three. He was right, so far this was turning out to be a very long day. It had only been three hours since the sun came up, but to Harry it had felt like an eternity. There had been no talking since Fleur earlier explosion, though all the women had been and were still giving the men, except Harry of course, a look that promised much pain and screaming from them. The guys mostly sat with their heads bowed, all except Charlie and Bill who held them up high and with what looked like pride. The smell of burning wood and a decidedly primal growl turned Harry's attention to Fleur, who was staring at Bill with such malice that if looks could kill there wouldn't even be any ashes left.

Mrs. Weasley came out a minute or two later, Mr. Weasley levitating many plates of food, some cups and utensils, and a pitcher of butterbeer with a tired smile. He set the items down quickly and took a seat next to Ron, Mrs. Weasley taking a seat right across from him. The children of the Weasley clan looked between their mother and father with some fear, but were calmed by a reassuring look from their mother.

"Alright, food! I'm starving," Ron said as he quickly dug in. Everyone looked at him in disbelief. 'How in the bloody hell can he be eating at a time like this!' everyone thought as the watched Ron devour nearly half his plate of pancakes and sausages before he noticed that no one else was eating. Then he noticed the venomous look Hermione was giving him and seemed to remember that he was in serious trouble. "Oh. Sorry" he said, placing his knife and fork down and returning his gaze to the table.

Harry would have chuckled if he didn't think it would get him in trouble. So he settled for sighing. He looked at his watch to find that it was already ten o'clock. They had been sitting around for about two hours now. 'Merlin, at this rate we're going to be here all day,' Harry thought. He took one look around the table and could tell that none of the people there were going to say anything. 'Guess it's up to me. This sucks,'.

"Um," Harry started out, getting everyone's attention in the process. "So...I hear the Cannons are doing good this year. What do you think, Ron?"

"I have a better question," Hermione stated, glaring at Ron. "What exactly do you think you were doing, /]Won-Won[/?"

"Oh, boy..." Harry muttered, covering his face with his hand. This was definitely going to be a very long day.

Everyone looked towards Ron as said boy tried to think of something to say. "Hermione," he started. "I...I didn't me-"

"Save it Ron. I don't want to hear your excuses," Hermione said, her face taking on a sad look as she turned away from him.

"Come on, Hermione, you gotta forgive me!" Ron pleaded, slamming his hands down on the table. "I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing! Come on, lets just go somewhere private and talk about-"

"We're through Ronald." Hermione said in a flat tone. Harry could see the tears in her eyes, threatening to spill over, and could only feel anger at what Ron was putting Hermione through. They were definitely going to have words after this was all over.

Ron looked absolutely devastated at those words. He would have said something, but the look he got from his mother and the other women at the table shut him up.

Mr. Weasley looked between Hermione and Ron before speaking, "Now, now Hermione. How long have you and Ron been going out? About a month now right? Maybe you should give him another chance. He did drink a lot last night."

"Zat doz not excuze their, or your behavior Monsieur Weasley." said Mrs. Delacour.

"Yes, but..."

"Arthur! Remember your promise!" Mrs. Weasley said threateningly. Mr. Weasley shut his mouth and kept it shut.

"Come on Hermione," said Bill. "You can't blame Ron for what the alcohol made him do. Besides, it was Harry who bought them."

Everyone looked at Harry in surprise at this. Remus was quick to come to his defense.

"Don't you dare blame Harry for your mistakes, Bill!" Remus shouted angrily.

"I'm not blaming anybody! I'm just saying that Harry paid for the drinks!" Bill retorted.

"Iz this true, 'Arry?" Asked Fleur in a quiet voice. Everyone strained to hear her. "Are you to blame for this?"

"Well," Harry thought, looking at the rest of the table and how sad or angry everyone looked. The twins in particular looked really down in the dumps. Harry didn't want to be the cause of three break-ups. And while he was mad about the twins using his money to buy the liquor and hookers, he didn't want the twins to get in trouble for it. Though they would be talking about how they spent his money very, very soon. "Yeah, I did pay for-"

"Wait! It wasn't Harry's fault!" The twins said in unison.

"We were the ones who bought the alcohol." said George.

"Harry just gave us the money. He didn't know about that or the girls..." said Fred.

Everyone was quiet, digesting this new bit of information.

"Hang on a sec," said Ginny, turning towards the twins. "Where did you even find those girls?"

"Charlie gave us a flier," the twins answered.

"One I found in Bill's room a few days ago," Charlie said quickly.

All eyes turned towards Bill, who was now looking at his plate as if it held the secrets to life in its pancake-y depths. It was quiet for a few moments as everyone waited for Bill to say something. When it became apparent that he wasn't going to say anything, Fleur decided to break the silence.

"Bill...zee wedding iz off." Fleur said calmly, though the look on her face showed she wanted to say more. Everyone now looked at Fleur, the men with shock and the women with either grim understanding or happiness in Gabriel's case.

"B-But honey," Bill said in disbelief. "It was a mistake. Just a little mistake."

"Yeah Fleur. You don't have to stop the wedding because of this!" Harry said. Bill might have tried to put the blame on him, and while he was clearly in the wrong here Harry saw no reason for Fleur to cancel the wedding because of it! Harry did not want to be even indirectly responsible for the break up of a marriage that hadn't even started.

"No, 'Arry. You may 'ave paid for zee alcohol and zee women unknowingly, but eet waz Bill who slept with thoze...thoze... prostituées sans valeur!" Fleur said as she stood, her face hid by her hair. "Meezus Weazley, may I be excuzed?"

"Of course dear," Mrs. Weasley answered. Everyone else just watched as Fleur ran up to the house and slammed the door.

"Oh poo, and I was really hoping to get a picture of flying nazgats that surround newlyweds." said a familiar voice from behind Harry.

Harry turned around to come face to face with one of the oddest friends he ever had.

"Oh," Harry said, somehow not surprised at the girl's sudden appearance. "Hello, Luna..."
AN: Hello and thanks for all your reviews. Hope you like this new chapter. It might be a while for the next one, but I'll work my hardest to get it out soon! R&R please!
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