Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Tired Of Everything - May 29

by AlexSanDee 1 review

Gerard calls home, Kelly worries her mom and Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-05-29 - Updated: 2008-05-29 - 1660 words

“Sunshine what’s wrong? I know you keep saying nothing but come on, you have to realize that I know you better than that,” Luke stopped walking and pulled her to him.
Kelly hugged him back tightly, “I just can’t stand what’s going on.”
“Going on? Between your Mom and Dad?” He guessed.
“Yeah, Mom was so upset this morning. She says she can’t tell me because it’s something that’s going on between them but it’s just all so sad.”
Luke gently pulled back, “Wanna go somewhere to talk or do you have to get home?”
Kelly realized she hadn’t told her Mom she wouldn’t be home right after school but she really needed to talk to Luke. Right now he seemed to be the only good thing in her life. “No, I don’t have to get right home. Where can we go?”
“My house I guess.” Luke said with a shrug. “My old man won’t be home until late.”
Kelly nodded and they walked towards Luke’s house hand in hand.

“So what do you think?” Christa asked Kara as they finished touring the furnished apartment.
“I like it.” Kara said, “Hell, anywhere would be okay to tell you the truth.”
Christa motioned towards the sofa and they both sat down. “Lucy said you could move in as soon as you’d like. She still has the place for another month. You can just pay her the rent.”
“Thanks for helping me with this.” Kara said sitting back. “I just have to get out of that house.”
Christa looked at her closely. It was obvious Kara was under a lot of stress with Liv’s dying and now her mom’s problems with Gerard. “How’s Monica?” She asked softly.
“Still clinging to the idea that it’s all gonna be all right.” Kara said angrily.
“You don’t think it will be?”
Kara shook her head, “Look I don’t know what’s going on between them. All I do know is that I think Mom did a wonderful, unselfish thing for Liv and because of it things have turned to shit. Last night I found her in Liv’s room sobbing. She’d just talked to Gerard.”
“Ray says he’s never seen Gerard act like this before. He won’t talk to any of the guys.”
“I know he was in love with Liv. Hell, everyone knows that but she’s gone and he supposedly loves mom. So why is he treating her like this? He doesn’t call hardly at all and then when he does it’s terrible. I can’t watch her get hurt like this. I just can’t.”
“Have you told her how you feel?”
“I did and she says she understands. Fuck, she always tries to understand. No mater what anyone does to her she tried to make excuses for them.”
Christa was sure much of what Kara was feeling was because of her own father and the past. “She’s a very caring woman.” Christa said softly.
Kara sighed, “I love my mom so much. I hate to see her hurt. I’m sure me leaving right now makes me a Queen Bitch.”
Christa shook her head, “No, it doesn’t. You went through a lot of stress because you stayed while Liv was there. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
“I did really like Liv.” Kara said sadly, “Her past was fucking brutal. Oh fuck.” She was angry because tears formed in her eyes. “One of the last things she wanted before she died was to hear Gerard’s voice again. Mom tried to call him but he wouldn’t answer. It just makes me so fucking angry.”
Christa had not heard this before. “Oh shit.”
“Yeah” Kara agreed, “I had to leave the room at the end. I just couldn’t take it, you know? Bert was holding her and she was really out of it. But still she called out for Gerard. Do you have any idea how fucking brutal that was to see the look on Bert’s face?”
“Oh Kara.” Christa moved closer and put her arm around her. “I’m so sorry.”
Kara couldn’t take it anymore. She completely broke down sobbing. “She kept calling his name. I just had to get out of there. I feel like such a shit for leaving. I should have stayed.”
“There was nothing you could do.” Christa said softly.
“No, I know that. Still Mom and Bert stayed but I bolted. I’ll never be a good person like my mom.”
Now Christa understood why Kara was so upset. “You are as strong and good as your mom.”
“But she’s been through so much shit in her life, first with my dad and now Gerard. I just want her to be happy?” Kara brushed the tears from her face. “And what am I doing? I’m leaving her.”
“Kara, you are doing what you have to do for your own sake. I’m sure Monica truly does understand and I’m sure she does know that if she needs you you’ll be there for her.”
Kara nodded, “I hope so.”

Monica sat the glass of milk on the table in front of Elle then grabbed the phone. Her nerves were completely shot. “I’ll be right back. Eat your dinner, okay?”
Elle nodded and shoved a huge spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth.
“Hello?” Monica said while walking out on the deck. Of all the times for him to call, she needed to talk to him but why now?
“We need to talk, now.” His voice was angry.
“Yes, we do but not now.” Monica answered looking back through the glass door to make sure Elle was okay.
Her answer made Gerard angrier. “This is pretty fucking important.”
Monica snapped. The stress from the past few weeks hit her full force. “Yeah, I’m sure it is pretty fucking important but right now I can’t talk. MY daughter, found an apartment today, MY other daughter hasn’t come home from school and I don’t know where she is and MY youngest daughter is shoving potatoes in her mouth. The man who I love is treating me like shit oh and the dog threw up on the sofa.” She burst into tears at the absurdity of it all. “Oh and the baby we are supposed to adopt is a boy.”
Gerard sat in stunned silence.
His silence upset Monica even more. “So My daughter who pissed you off is gone, Kelly is missing and you don’t have anything to say?” Tears streamed down her face.
“Never mind.” Monica closed the phone and rushed back into the house when she saw Elle drop the glass of milk.

Gerard looked at the phone in his hand then closed it slowly. She was angry with him? What the hell? He had make an important decision and called to talk to her about it and she yelled at him? A small voice in his mind replayed her words. Her daughters? Shit, he remembered now he had called Kara her daughter but fuck it he’d been so angry. And what was this about Kell? She was missing? Had Monica tried to call her? He was sure she had but still he opened the phone again and punched in Kelly’s number. His call went to voice mail. “Kell, it’s me. Uh, your mom is really worried about you. Give her a call, okay?” He closed he phone and realized that message sounded wrong. It made it sound like he didn’t care. He started to call again when Ray yelled at him that they van was leaving for the airport. They were catching a late flight to the next gig.
“Fuck” Gerard said standing. He would just have to call her back later. Unfortunately they had to board the flight as soon as they got to the airport. He really didn’t want to leave another voice message. He wanted to call Monica and make sure Kelly was okay. He decided to call as soon as they landed.

“Where have you been?” Monica’s voice shook with anger.
Kelly was shocked to see her mother so upset. “I was talking to Luke. He walked me home after school and we stopped to talk. Why? What’s wrong?”
Monica took a deep breath, “Did it ever occur to you that I would be worried? Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
Kelly pulled it out of her pocket. “Oh, it’s turned off. I forgot after I got out of school to turn it back on.”
“That’s really irresponsible of you.” Monica said. “I was worried, Kelly.”
Kelly was looking at her messages. There were several from her mom and one from Gerard. “Dad called me.” She said happily even though her mom was still scowling at her. She called her voice mail and listened. Monica waited patiently wondering what Gerard had said. She noticed Kelly’s face slid into a frown.
“What did he say?”
“Just to call you.” Kelly answered. It was obvious she had been hoping for more. “I’m really sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I just wanted to talk to Luke.”
Monica’s anger faded. “Just remember to tell me when you’re gonna be late.”
“Yeah, I will. My head kinda hurts. I’m gonna go lay down.” She slowly walked towards the stairs.
Once more Monica’s anger rose. Gerard wasn’t just hurting her by his actions he was hurting Kelly. She tried to call him back not knowing he was on a flight. When her call went to voice mail she disconnected. She was tired of tying to talk to him. She was just tired of everything.
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