- by SaraWinters 5 reviews
The students were desperate for relief. A professor was in need of mercy. One solution provided relief to them all. It came at a price.
Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall,Ron,Snape - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-05-24 - Updated: 2009-05-25 - 1609 words - Complete
- by dust101 14 reviews
A/U:A young Harry Potter was found in the middle of a destroyed neighborhood, in a fight against several Death Eaters. However, he seems to be unable to remember anything pertaining his life. Follo...
Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2009-05-23 - Updated: 2009-05-23 - 2123 words
- by aremont 3 reviews
Harry/Tonks post OOTP Romance story Please read and review
Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Harry,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [X] - Chapters: 11 - Published: 2009-03-29 - Updated: 2009-05-19 - 47306 words
- by scruffy1 14 reviews
Halfway through his fourth year Harry wakes up to a surprise.
Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [Y] - Chapters: 7 - Published: 2009-04-27 - Updated: 2009-05-17 - 49682 words - Complete
- by kirb099 9 reviews
Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2009-05-15 - Updated: 2009-05-16 - 1240 words
- by aWICKEDgiraffe 1 review
MWPP AU It's the last day at their boarding school; Sirius is having a hard time coping with the sudden onslaught emotions that this event brings about. SiriusXRemus
Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: James,Lupin,Peter,Sirius - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-05-13 - Updated: 2009-05-14 - 5169 words - Complete
- by BrianJ 8 reviews
Rita Skeeter, middle-aged newspaper hack. But even hacks stumble onto big stories every once in a while.
Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-05-12 - Updated: 2009-05-13 - 1621 words
Are You Being Served?
by pettybureaucratHarry and Ginny shop for a bed. Just a little piece of fluff.
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2009-05-11 - Updated: 2009-05-11 - 4276 words - Complete
by NightrunnerHarry is recovering nicely after awakening in St. Mungo's. He finds that he has an Angel of Mercy caring for him. Plans are made for Harry to leave the hospital, but where can he go? Back to the Du...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Dudley,Harry,Hermione,Petunia Dursley,Vernon Dursley - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2009-05-07 - Updated: 2009-05-08 - 14733 words
- by Beo 0 reviews
HP/Black Jewels x-over
just an idea on how to combine them
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-05-07 - Updated: 2009-05-07 - 4418 words - Complete
by LuciusSikilmituileLucius tragische Vergangenheit ist der erste Schritt zu Dracos eigenem Drama. Schaffen es beide ihr Blatt doch noch zu wenden und eine gemeinsame Zukunft aufzubauen...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Draco,Harry,Lucius,Voldemort - Warnings: [V] [R] [?] [Y] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2009-05-06 - Updated: 2009-05-06 - 4554 words - Complete
The Detour to Reality
by lancelot47Harry and Hermione find themselves in a new world, a world where their life story is only a fictional account, but they were not the only ones to crossover, a lunatic followed their footsteps. DH S...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Lupin,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] [?] - Chapters: 11 - Published: 2008-06-29 - Updated: 2009-05-05 - 176119 words
- by PerfesserN 3 reviews
Ten years post-Hogwarts, Ginny and Ron have been murdered, and Hermione is the prime suspect.
Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [R] [?] - Chapters: 16 - Published: 2009-01-28 - Updated: 2009-05-03 - 47879 words - Complete
- by JaCeeisme 19 reviews
A conversation at King's Cross Station between the Master of Death and the Great Manipulator.
Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-05-02 - Updated: 2009-05-02 - 835 words - Complete
- by Nightrunner 6 reviews
Almost 2 years after the Battle for Hogwarts, and his twin brother's death, George Weasly has given up on life. He just doesn't care about anything anymore.
Then he recieves a surprise vist from a...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Fred,George,Harry - Published: 2009-04-30 - Updated: 2009-04-30 - 5479 words - Complete