Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Bass Files
Sheena, it´s time to get rid of that frustration
13 reviewsIn chapter 33 Sheena sweats with Joe and finds out who the hottie is that Patrick dated. Hottie has great calves. (Disclaimer: It´s a bit low on the footnotes... *putting shame on DoJ*)
The Bass Files
(#) whatkatydid 2006-11-17
Ok, seriously, my adulterated review:
Best parts:
1) Note to self: Grow some self-confidence already, you retarded good-for-nothing cynic.
Classic line, i love consecutive abuse...
2) That filthy little liar. - just the fact you were calling Hatrick this kinda incited me, in a good way....
3) "But I look really good in shorts!" Pete beamed. Yes you do.
4) Oh and blue/black/red pen thing had me kakking my pants. Sorry nots as much as my Pimp in white though! He's got it y'know?
5) Maybe I should get a new shampoo...
You use Shampoo, maybe she should try an industrial product....
6) Gay? Incestuous gayness? - LMFAO. Incestuous gayness is a great great line.
7) Maybe his calves weren´t that amazing after all. - he has the skinniest legs....
Alex, I wanna know where it's going!! Don't keep teasing my plonked up brain.
xxxxxxxxxxxAuthor's response
I wish I had thought of the industrial product. :( Nah, well... Thank you for this review that proves that you actually read the chapter. Or maybe you just p&c-ied random lines. Anyways, you rock. You DoJ-rock. If you really really REALLY reallyreallyreally... wanna know where this is going I´ll tell ya. Via e-mail or AIM though. That is, if the "cb" starts working again.The Bass Files
(#) moocow 2006-11-17
you fucking betcha.
;]Author's response
In fact, I did. And I just won 5 bucks. Unfortunately, I also just lost 5 bucks. Bummer.The Bass Files
(#) pixied_secrets 2006-11-17
okay, i read it. i have this to say:
Damn you and your shiny words that bedazzle everyone.
oh, and there is no such thing as putting shame on DoJ. unless you write a story about how pete and joe are lovers and joe refuses to trim his fro of a pubic hair mane. visualize that and tell me it's not shameful.
there are a bunch of "calf" and "calves" mentioned in this chapter. note to author: you could have footnoted that shit.
so does this mean that patrick no longer wants to make sweet sweet music lurve with sheena? 'cause i ain't down wit that.
"Gay? Incestuous gayness?"- if i had a dime for every time i had to question a man on that, we might have enough money for the "FicWad Stole My Soul" shirt.
actually, that's a lie. i'd probably only have ten cents. but a girl can wish, right?Author's response
Yes, my vocabulary in this story sure is vast: hair, idiot, jerk, Pete Wentz, to tug at his hat, to lick his balls... Hm, imagining Pete and Joe together turned me on. But I´m just an idiot/ jerk with weird hair who tugs at her hat sometimes and wishes she could lick her... nevermind about that. Sorry about the "calves". I like the word. It´s not really that Patrick (or any of the other guys) want Sheena out, it´s just that the idiot/ jerk broke her arm and they need a bassist. However, yes, Sheena will be replaced on the long run as well. Please, rub it in that you used to have a soul before ficwad. :PThe Bass Files
(#) luckysgc921 2006-11-17
first off...omg I missed you! I was starting to detox without updates.
secondly, musical chemistry or not if I had to pick someone to hang out with-Sheena or Pete, I'd pick Sheena. and I'm a chick, and she's a fictional character. but maybe thats just me.
omg no! Pete and Joyce broke up. Is Patrick gonna go pine for her again now? Boy needs to see whats sitting in front of his face, quite litterally in the last scene of your story.
R.I.P Blue in the Face. :( Pete is taking over and soon will have turned Joe, Patrick and Andy into the pod people they are today--those who only exist to please him and step out of the spotlight so he can step into it...
cough...I'm done now.
great chapter. :)Author's response
Yeah, I know. Sorry for having neglected Sheena and her crap life. I was busy working on and updating my other story "Channel Hopping" (no. 4 in the series of shameless references, this time less subtle). Also sorry for not looking up "neglect" before using it. WOOOHOOO! Sheena´s found a new friend. I´m glad I could create a character that the readers find interesting. :) Patrick´s still in love with Joyce but don´t worry, the cold-hearted bitch is not gonna want him. ;) Ha ha. You´re the coolness. :)The Bass Files
(#) bandgeekfreak 2006-11-17
I liked the tred mill scene. I liked Pete's shiney hair. I hope Pete and Patrick end up being more then just "friends," even though i think Patrick and Andy look kind of good's response
At first I wanted Joe and Sheena to go swimming. Then I remembered that her arm´s in plaster. Duh. Next thing you know is I´m raising dead (?)characters. (Voilá, the third in my series of shameless references to "Channel Hopping".) You do remember that Pee & Pee are cousins? -> "Incestuous gayness." Just imagine the babies they´d have... I guess the real-life Hatrack and real-life Andy would be the cutest couple. Andy seems like a really nice guy so he would treat the Stumper nice. :)The Bass Files
(#) patrickdance4me 2006-11-17
awww poor sheena. poor poor sheena. i will kill the secretary for her. me and my friend love taking out people... but we do it quick. do you want her to suffer? haha just kidding i'm thinking about my ashlee simpson story. :]Author's response
Your Ashlee Simpson story was übercool! Thank you for that offer, this makes things a lot easier for me. Now I don´t have to bring in the Mafia. Also, thanks for your interest in seeing first Sheena´s heart and then arm break. :)The Bass Files
(#) duckapple 2006-11-17
I love you times a million. PS: I so plan to give you a cameo. I just need a name to use, mostly a last name.Author's response
You mean me or Sheena? Sheena´s full name is "Sheena O. Scully". My name´s Alex and when it comes to last names, I´m kinda digging "Schwarzenegger". Just some random crap that I came up with at the top of my head. ;)The Bass Files
(#) MusicxisxHearts 2006-11-17
Yeah, I had the feeling it was too good to be true. LOL SHINEY BEDAZZLING HAIR!!! chases after Pete with scissorsAuthor's response
Oh, you´re the smart type. ;) Pete DOES have bow-down worthy hair. Ha ha about the last image. Sheena doesn´t think it´s a good idea though. And don´t eat glue. Love yas!The Bass Files
(#) CodeWordLove 2006-11-18
Sheena should go crazy and use a purple pen on that damned secretary! Haha jp! I really have run out of ways to tell you that you are fabulous and I love your story so I think I'm going to go read the dictionary to enlarge my vocabularyAuthor's response
Purple, damn straight. It´s my fav color. I don´t know Sheena´s fav color. I think she´s too timid to have one actually, because if she picked one as her fav she might be afraid that she pisses the other ones off. If you read the dictionary you´re me? Ok, not a good argument. Ah well. I love your reviews, they´re kick-ass! :)))
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