Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > a week of complete unlucky shityness

the reining of peace

by frenchfish 1 review

they arrived at the island, and Jay has to keep the peace! That's like trying to save a chiken from becoming a roast! so taht means= VERY HARD!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 987 words

"This island stinks" Odie said, Odie was on his back on the beachwith Neil at his side, Neil looked like he needed a paper bag...soon. "She only gave me 3 outfits!!!! 3 outfits!!!!! Can you imagine re-wearing the same outit in one week!?" Neil asked, he then looked at me "i'm not asking you purple boy" Neil said, i sighed "hey! I'm purple boy" Archie said coming to my side, i piled some wood on him "In the cabin, on the floor, theres a fire pit, Theresa and Medillia are trying to start a fire" i told him "What are you gonna do?" Archie asked me as he staggered off "Keep the peace" i said pointing at the different fights that were going on, such as:
Syberus vs. Echo (echo isn't shutting up anytime soon and syperus looks hungry) and the ever present Archie vs. Pan, then there Medillia vs. Theresa.

Okay, recap of events since i stopped writting:

Miss Hera made 7 bags appear with our clothes in them (it was worse then my mother packing my things for summer camp, she packed Herry a speedo, fortuantly, i got normal stuff...mostly), then Hera made a portal and we were dropped off on this blasted island!

Okay, the cabin, is pretty cool, it's big, but it's like the summer camp cabins, there's bunks all around the edge of the small wooden cabin, theres a place outside the cabin with a tarp over it, two palm trees are keeping the tarp up and a hammock is attached between them. Theres also a small table beside the hammock. But in the middle of the cabin, theres a fire pit! Right in the middle! and above it there's a hole in the roof tolet the smoke out. These are the sleeping arrangments:
__________ __________
_|bunk 1+2| |bunk 3+4|_
5| |7|
_| |_|
_ _
6| |8|
|bunk9+10| |bunk11+12|

the first number is always the top bunk:
bunk number 1- Archie
bunk number 2- me(Jay)
bunk number 3- Atlanta
bunk number 4- Theresa
bunk number 5- Herry
bunk number 6- Neil
bunk number 7- Odie
bunk number 8- Calypso
bunk number 9- Echo
bunk number 10- Pan
bunk number 11- Medillia
bunk number 12- Syberus

You know, as i typed that i had to keep looking for the 'm', wow, i really need some typing classes!

So, back to the story.

I walked into the cabin, to find Theresa blowing on the fire, and Medillia giving Theresa a bit of a nasty look "hey Jay, how are you?" MEdillia asked "Peachy, you guys want a break, i can try this" i told them, Theresa looked up, she was white and looked ticked "ya'll right?" i asked her as Medillia left "i don't know how long i'm gonna live with her around" Theresa said, i laughed "You'll live Theresa, remember, she may be a witch, but she's a blonde witch" i told her, she laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, oh and are you ever going to take that paint off your nose?" she asked as she started to leave "not till i have too, you know, rudolph is really in" i told her, she rolled her eyes "Alright Jay" she said and left.

Okay, so as i blew on the fire, i gave each of my team members a colour i thought suited them:

Herry- green (he's like this big, living breathing teddy bear, but most Bears don't crush your bones in a hug, this bear does)

Atlanta- Orange (always ready to go, not quite a red, she's not too intense, she has that mojo a go-go attitude, if you get my vibe)

Archie- Purple (i think purple speaks for itself)

Odie- Yellow (always happy, he's like our little sun! His hair sure looks like a big ball of energy....liek the sun)

Neil- pink (he likes to take care of himself on the outside, make upo and junk, he's our resident girly girl)

Theresa- blue (Caring, happy, serious, always, ain't i cheezzy? Bully for you if you think so)

And for me, i have no clue.

"AH! OUch!" i said, i didn's scream, but i didn't notice that the stick i was poking the fire with was a little to black to touch and it hurt...a lot. I rushed to the sea water and placed my burnt hand in his cool blue depths, Theresa walked over "what happened?" she asked "fire happened, if there was a sail boat here, it would be pretty awsome" i told her "there's a dock a kilometer dpown the beach, we could all go this evening" she suggested "cool, i hope theres some kind of boat" i said, she laughed "your going to enjoy this aren't you?" she asked "i'll make themost of it, but enjoy isn't quite the right word" i told her taking my hand out, it stung, but i ignored it. "the fire's going" i said and walked to stop Pan and Archie fighting.

"Hey! guys! quit this!" i yelled at them, they started screaming their view on the story "enough!" i yelle at them, they broke apart, Pan looked at me "you have red paint on your nose" he said "i know, i'm going for the rudulph look" i told him, he gave me a smug look and walked away (note the fact that my voice was sarcastic and almost mean, but i was polite! HA! Gotta give me that much!) "nice" Archie said "i am aren't i" i said, "i mean, with how oyu got him gone" Archie said "and i meant that i'm nice and that i know" i told him, he sighed heavily "are you trying to confuse me?" he asked "is it working?" i asked laughing "i am not at liberty to say" he said and walked to the cabin "wow, isn't this going to be fun" i said to myself (please note that i was COMPLETELY sarcastic).

sorry that it's short, i am sick and i think i have some sort of writters block, well later aligators!
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