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Elementary Calculations
(#) darkdeva 2008-05-24
Yes...another update!!! I really hope Harry gets involved in as many plots as possible...I love seeing a Slytherin!Harry (though in this case fake-ish Ravenclaw) in action.Elementary Calculations
(#) HeWhoComesWithTheDaw 2008-05-24
Great Chapter! Can't wait for the next one. Keep up the good work.Elementary Calculations
(#) Albeios 2008-05-24
Dumbledore suffers for his shortsightedness. YAY.
Harry lets things pass, preferring to not get into pointless fights. -Thumbs up-
Gets sorted into Ravenclaw. HAHA!
Snapes gonna get it...Elementary Calculations
(#) lycus 2008-05-24
That was a great chapter, and I amglad that harry has already connected with his girl. and the fact that she is in Gryffindor will only draw her to harry more, and when she sees snape in action and when harry tells her about what dumbles did to get him to hogwarts I hope that it shatters her trust in blindly obeying authority figures. and I figure that the worst thing that harry can do to dumbles is to not follow his trail of bread crums leading to the stone.Elementary Calculations
(#) Cateagle 2008-05-24
I am glad that Harry declined to get involved 'tween Draco and Ron, it should improve his standing in a lot of folks' eyes. It's too bad about Hermione, but I can see her easily becoming at least a good acquaintance with Harry, if not a friend, simply because there are few in Gryffindor that care as much as she does for grades; this might lead to a resorting down the line. I do agree with Lycus that her faith and trust in authority figures might well get broken when she hears his story, esp. since she would know of St. Xavier's and realize just what a full scholarship there represented in terms of ability, challenge, and down-the-line rewards and opportunities.
I loved Dumbles disappointment when Harry went into Ravenclaw; methinks he's going to find that he's made Harry a very difficult one to lead or control. OTOH, given what abilities Harry's already managed to develop, I suspect he's going to find a number of "interesting" events still swirling around Harry (imagine what he could do with that wandless magic in dealing with attempts to sabotage his potions). I do wonder if he's managed to develop the equivalent of Occlumency, which would really give Snape and Dumbles pause.
I like the idea of Harry going ahead nad getting his things and blending into Ravenclaw, it's nice role-camoflage that'll help him later. Dumbles thinks he's got him cowed or controlled and, if he lets him continue to think that, he's got a good shot at starting his sub rosa efforts against him without detection.Elementary Calculations
(#) jsdailey 2008-05-24
Very nice. I'm really enjoying this story. I do hope you update quickly-- I think you do, if I've been paying attention to the line up.
I wonder if there will be a pranking war between Harry and the Twins. Where will Hermione fit into this? where will Luna? hmmm. Something very interesting to ponder.
Good Luck!Elementary Calculations
(#) Elfwyn 2008-05-27
Yes, I'm glad Harry told his insensitive classmates to back off, I mean really how would any of us feel being mob about our parents murder and the physical evidence of it? So good for Harry for standing up for himself. As for Dumbledore, I would love to see a revolution lead by Harry when he gets fed up with his interferring.Elementary Calculations
(#) hlestea 2008-05-27
Excellent story; in my opinion this is the best written, smart / cynical Harry Potter, story out there. I look forward to see what other ways Harry will disappoint the wizarding world’s and Dumbledore’s expectations of him.Elementary Calculations
(#) GryffindorDragon 2008-05-29
Nice chapter. So sad that Hermione is separated from Harry. It's not nice to make her absolutely miserable. Who is going to befriend her now?
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