- by birgitriddle 3 reviews
Tom Riddle and his boggart.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Tom Riddle - Published: 2006-08-28 - Updated: 2006-08-29 - 635 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 1 review
Jonathan Crane's descent into madness.
Category: Batman Begins - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2006-07-14 - Updated: 2006-07-15 - 507 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 2 reviews
Complaints about Professor Crane's teaching style leads him to change it a bit.
Category: Batman - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-05-17 - Updated: 2006-05-17 - 474 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 1 review
Another tormentor from Professor Crane's childhood pays the price.
Category: Batman - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-04-12 - Updated: 2006-04-13 - 853 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 0 reviews
Anakin distracts himself from his dreams and from his annoyance with Obi-Wan.
Category: Star Wars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan - Published: 2006-04-11 - Updated: 2006-04-11 - 569 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 2 reviews
No one really pays attention to what the insane say or do even if they are Jonathan Crane. Warnings: Mentions of rape and mental hospital abuse.
Category: Batman Begins - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-04-02 - Updated: 2006-04-03 - 491 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 1 review
Just another victim of the Scarecrow at Arkham Asylum. This is dedicated to all the internet crazies out there.
Category: Batman Begins - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-20 - Updated: 2006-03-20 - 787 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 1 review
Tom Riddle doesn't feel emotions like normal people.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Tom Riddle - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-13 - Updated: 2006-03-14 - 814 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 1 review
Jonathan Crane has another side to him. What starts out as an innocent imaginary friend ends up being something much more terrifying. Written in my own AU universe which takes elements from Batman ...
Category: Batman Begins - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-03-11 - Updated: 2006-03-12 - 2259 words
- by birgitriddle 1 review
Giving in is far too easy, but one sometimes will just fight it until they are made to see the truth. Jonathan Crane has a struggle with himself.
Category: Batman Begins - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-03-06 - Updated: 2006-03-06 - 991 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 0 reviews
Hojo keeps getting in the way of Vincent's attempts to woo Lucrecia. A gift fanfic for a friend.
Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Hojo, Lucrecia, Vincent Valentine - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-06 - Updated: 2006-03-06 - 851 words - Complete
- by birgitriddle 1 review
A follower of the former Dark Lord stands at his grave during a snow fall. Written for the fanfic100 challenge.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Bellatrix, Voldemort - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-10-25 - Updated: 2005-10-25 - 483 words - Complete