- by ArsenicAutumn 1 review
"Because real artists suffer, don't you know?"
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2015-01-31 - 433 words - Complete
- by ArsenicAutumn 2 reviews
A drabble on a place where people lie down and never speak
Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2015-01-31 - 588 words - Complete
- by ArsenicAutumn 1 review
To whomever is reading this, I'd like to tell you a story, and ask a favor of you.
Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2015-01-31 - Updated: 2015-01-31 - 1200 words - Complete
- by BloodyAbattoir 0 reviews
This time last year, he promised you a sunrise.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2015-01-21 - 807 words - Complete
- by stonerbaby00 0 reviews
this is my opinions and my stories about living the life of what a typical person would call a "stoner" but to me its just living everyday life. this is based on true stories and actual facts.
Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-12-21 - 223 words
- by JustAGhost 0 reviews
I need this.
Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2014-12-21 - Updated: 2014-12-21 - 320 words
- by NezzSan 0 reviews
A young woman named Joy is has turned into a being that eats humans. Continuously struggling with her morals of eating people, being trained to become a mercenary, and having to cope with a sadisti...
Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2014-12-21 - Updated: 2014-12-21 - 27128 words
- by OMGsLookAtHerBook 0 reviews
You know in films the villain is usually European. What if America took over the world? Everyone was under the control of America. Except a group of kids: One from Britain, One from Russia, One fro...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-11-19 - 267 words
- by oh_my_mikey_way 0 reviews
Everything here is made from paint; it is malleable and it's wet.
Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-11-13 - 690 words
- by BloodyAbattoir 0 reviews
They've saved your body, but they've lost your soul somewhere along the way.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2014-10-24 - 1572 words
- by BloodyAbattoir 0 reviews
Your plans never seemed to work out
Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2014-10-07 - 517 words - Complete
- by BloodyAbattoir 0 reviews
There was no reason to survive this. You had nothing left to live for. All you had to return to if you did make it was a job you hated, classes you couldn't stand for a degree in a profession you n...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-10-04 - 1635 words - Complete
- by BloodyAbattoir 0 reviews
Life is but a dream for the dead, something far off and foggy, mostly forgotten.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2014-09-25 - 1119 words - Complete
- by Rocketship09 0 reviews
Robert is a young artist wasting away in London when he meets the eccentric Lucas. Bound by destructive, incredible friendship, they stage an unforgettable art heist at the end of the 20th century.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2014-09-17 - Updated: 2014-09-20 - 10625 words
- by LunarMares 1 review
Melanie had been trying to catch her horse, Lunar, for hours now, and as soon as Lunar stopped in her tracks, staring at Melanie, Mel knew something was up. She soon noticed, she was a horse!
She ...
Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-09-17 - 468 words