- by lexirawrrr 0 reviews
I suck at summaries. I will do this later.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2008-04-02 - Updated: 2008-05-13 - 5195 words
- by sCreaMsErenE 0 reviews
Its about three very close friends (Teagen, Anastasia, and Ninia) that are sent to Waverly Place (see above), and meet some new “friends” [or are they? Do, do, do (Aiden, Gabriel, and peter). T...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [?] - Chapters: 8 - Published: 2008-03-27 - Updated: 2008-05-10 - 12120 words
- by xxladyofsorrowsxx 0 reviews
Just something i wrote for creative writing, please read and tell me what you think.
Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-05-03 - Updated: 2008-05-03 - 542 words - Complete
- by VikkiMole 0 reviews
‘Do you believe in fate?’ I asked, vaguely serious with a smirk on my lips
‘Do you believe in fairies?’ She retorted, answering my question in her own roundabout way as usual
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-02 - Updated: 2008-05-03 - 5395 words - Complete
- by FlyingAntelopes 0 reviews
She was always a little... off. But you? You pulled the trigger. Cut a little to deep. Pused her over the edge.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Published: 2008-04-28 - Updated: 2008-04-29 - 606 words - Complete
- by EvilGoddess 0 reviews
A countdown to the shattering of a life in future tense.
Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2008-04-27 - Updated: 2008-04-28 - 693 words - Complete
- by FallsOuttaPlace 0 reviews
My friend wanted me to write this....so i did...hopes she like it!!
Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-04-27 - Updated: 2008-04-27 - 438 words
- by sleepyfaerie 0 reviews
based on 'I Hate Everything About You' by Three Days Grace (but there's no category) VAMPIRES and SLASH
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-04-25 - Updated: 2008-04-25 - 608 words - Complete
- by KittyUntcayCult 1 review
Blaire is a gay, nineteen year-old drug addict with a pill popping alcoholic mother & an unfaithful stepfather. His best friend is Jude Currier, also someone that he quite strong feelings for. That...
Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-04-23 - Updated: 2008-04-24 - 798 words
- by rejected_smurf_god 0 reviews
Quinn is the bad boy just moved in, Amelia, the good girl on the block, at first hates him, he stole her hide-a-way where she can run away from a perfect family for just a few hours, but can polar ...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-04-23 - Updated: 2008-04-23 - 376 words
- by MarissaBby 0 reviews
Melissa Stradford, a fourteen year old girl living in Sydney, Australia who is trying to tackle all the speed bumps that life is throwing her way
4 ingrediants tha...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2008-01-24 - Updated: 2008-04-16 - 2402 words
- by yourloverusts_onme 1 review
A fifteen year old naive impressionable girl falls in love with thirty five year old physchopath, Elijah, who asks her to do the worst thing imaginable: kill her two best friends for the good of th...
Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-04-15 - Updated: 2008-04-16 - 4297 words
- by lestiie 0 reviews
Letting go of what we had to leave behind. escape from this fate
Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-04-14 - Updated: 2008-04-14 - 257 words - Complete
- by Scream_Louder 1 review
Winter and her twin sister Fallen are new to school. They find themselves in what they think is the middle of nowhere until it seems like an angel has descended down from heaven.
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2008-04-02 - Updated: 2008-04-12 - 637 words
- by melike123 0 reviews
The boy only ever needed one thing and that was his mother, he lost that and he lost out on all hope. Now he has a new mother, but also a new filthy lifestyles. Read to Know More MOFOS
Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008-04-12 - Updated: 2008-04-12 - 1933 words