Categories > Original > Drama
5 reviewsThis is going to be a story about 5 very rich, popular and powerful teenage girls and their boyfriends.
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-07-23
Name: Carley Montez
Age (the girls are in high school): 17
Eyes- a nice, dark brown, wide eyes
Hair- a curly black, but she likes straightening it
Skin- light brown in the winters, a kind of darker brown in the summer
Body- she's a bit curvy, but she wears stuff to cover that sometimes. She's 5'6 and she is 130 pounds.
House (you can describe it or find a pic):
Bedroom (same as the house thing):
It's a bit bigger than shown. What isn't shown is her huge closet space.
Car: A black Volkswagen Eo
Designer they wear most: (I don't know much about this) Gucci
Pet(s): A pug that she absolutely neglects so the pug is most fond of her little sister. The pug is a 8 months old and she's a female. Her name is Jade. They also have a female bulldog who is also fond of her sister more. It is 6 months old and it's name is Rose.
Signature charm: Charm? What?(Please explain further and I'll happily fill that out c:)
Favorite color: Crimson.
Boyfriend (his name and what he looks like again you can give me a picture or a description): Derrick
Eyes- green
Hair- brownish black, short, and he usually shaves his head.
Skin- a light tan on his, originally, white skin
Body- he's very fit. He's athletic. He is 6'0 and 150 pounds
Anything else: She has a Hispanic background. She is 100% Hispanic and is bilingual.
Can I audition her calmer sister?Author's response
Of course you can audition the sister, and the charm is something that makes her stand out from other people, singing voice, athletic, acting, etc...AUDITIONS!!!!
(#) MCR-99 2013-07-23
I guess I'll give it a shot.. I'll audition my alias.
Name: Sunnflower Jones.
Age: 16.
Eyes: Light brown.
Hair: Golden blonde.
Height: 5"1. A tiny little thing.
Weight: Hm... not skinny, not fat, kinda in the middle.
House: It's a modern studio apartment she shares with her 18 year old brother, Joey.
Bedroom: The walls are light blue, the bedspread is red, the carpet is cream. On her walls are pictures of acoustic-y type bands like Never Shout Never etc. Her wardrobe is oak. She has a window sill she sits on with two plump cushions.
Car: It's not a fancy-shmancy type of car, it's a pick-up truck kinda car coloured silver.
Designer they wear most: Band stuff. Bands like Never Shout Never, the non-hardcore stuff.
Pets: She has a black cat named Mittens who is a year old.
Signature Charm: Dunno. Good singing voice?
Fave colour: Hazel, because she adores honey.
Boyfriend: His name is Christofer, he is sixteen also. He has chocolate brown eyes and brown hair to match, kinda scene style hair. He is about two or three inches taller than Sunnflower, and has the same sorta build.
Anything else: Nah, not really.AUDITIONS!!!!
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-07-23
Name: Jennifer Montez
Age (the girls are in high school): 15
Eyes- dark brown, wide eyes
Hair- a curly black hair that she leaves down
Skin- light brown in the winters, a kind of darker brown in the summer
Body- she's a bit curvy, but she wears baggier stuff to cover that sometimes. She's 5'3 and she is 120 pounds.
House (you can describe it or find a pic):
Bedroom (same as the house thing):
Car: She doesn't drive. To her sister's annoyance, she gets driven around by her.
Designer they wear most: She's the humble one of the two and doesn't like the extravagant life. She wears whatever is comfortable, like baggy t shirts, jeans, much to her sister's annoyance and embarrassment.
Pet(s): A pug, Jade and a bulldog, Rose.
Signature charm: She loves singing and she's very good at it, too.
Favorite color: Blue
Boyfriend (his name and what he looks like again you can give me a picture or a description):
Doesn't have one, but has a crush that is her sister's age and in her sister's grade, much to her sister's amusement(Jennifer denies it though)
His name is Mark
Eyes- a nice blue-green tone
Skin-pale white
Hair- blondish-reddish, a bit scruffy
Body- he's a bit skinny. He's 5'8, 145 pounds. He's not very athletic being that he's into other stuff, like music and film.
Anything else: She has a Hispanic background. She is 100% Hispanic and is bilingual.
Her personality contrasts the, kind of, stuck up personality of her older sister. She's humble, and nicer.
Charm of Carley: She's a great actress, which usually works in her favour when lying.AUDITIONS!!!!
(#) lolhai 2013-07-23
Name: Clarissa Monf
Age (the girls are in high school): 17
Appearance: Dark auburn hair, light green eyes, 5'5, thin but athletic
House (you can describe it or find a pic): Big, three story white house on 50 acres. Matching four stall barn, riding arena.
Bedroom (same as the house thing): Everything is blue. Large and comfortable. Kind sized bed.
Car: Baby blue Audi A4.
Designer they wear most: Gucci and Armani.
Pet(s): Bay Thoroughbred (horse) named Bailey, German Shepard named Chase.
Signature charm: Horse riding
Favorite color: Baby blue
Boyfriend (his name and what he looks like again you can give me a picture or a description): Johnathan. Black hair, blue eyes, light tan, muscular. Anything else: She shows her horse and she's actually pretty smart.AUDITIONS!!!!
(#) LaurentheHuman 2013-07-27
Name: Nataylia Harlow
Age: 18
Appearance: Medium brown hair to her waist. Dark green eyes. Olive skin. 5'9, very skinny. Very beautiful as well.
Bedroom: it's very big and very purple. she has a lot of fashion magazines strewn everywhere and different models she admires from them taped to her wall, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley being a personal favourite of hers. she has a huge closet just off to the side from her queen french style bed. there's a window that covers the whole right wall that overlooks the pool.
Car: black BMW 335i Convertible
Designer they wear most: Richard Sorger
Pet(s): she doesn't have any; she's allergic to cats and doesn't have time for animals anyway.
Signature charm: she's got a strut that could make a grown man cry.
Favorite color: purple
Boyfriend: actually, girlfriend. she's called Nicole. Nicole Pollard. she's a ballerina. she's a bit pale. she has light blonde hair just below her shoulders and stunning light blue eyes. Nataylia always says she could be a model too.
Anything else: Nataylia wants to be apart of New York Fashion Week before she's 20. She absolutely loathes being called Nat.
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