Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans
Chapter 1: Teen's Favourite Pastime
8 reviewsTwo of our heroes are together now. What does a blast from the past, a letter written in ketchup, and a case of mild amnesia include? Lies. I know I suck at summaries. J+T
1FunnyChapter 2: Something Distubing
5 reviewsI don't know what to write for this summary..sorry. plz read
1ExcitingChapter 3: Yay! A Mattress Factory!
6 reviewsi cant think of a summary of course....haha love my chapter title. R+R
0UnratedChapter 4: A Kind Stranger Who May Not Be So Kind... and Ketchup!
3 reviewsTheresa wakes up in the most normal place of all..and finds ketchup!
1ExcitingChapter 5: Doors, You'll never know what will be behind them!
3 reviewsI'm am in a big and review please!! This is one of the biggest chapters!!
1ExcitingChapter 6; A Nice Walk in the Park
4 reviewsI have to go to horsebakc riding so I can't chat right now. READ AND REVIEW!!!
2ExcitingChapter 7: The Most Annoying Thing Ever: Confusion
2 reviewshave to babysit right now so no time for and review!! and read my little note!!
0UnratedChapter 8: One Step Ahead
3 reviewslol, I'll actually make a summary. Theresa makes a desperate plan to escape, but as usual, Andrew's one step ahead. R+R