Monsters are a thing of the past, only surviving in stories. However, a bloodline runs in the High Court, a line of dragonmaidens. (warning is for later chapters)
"You think that Hell is only for the damned? You fool."
An excerpt from a story that I hope to write in the future. Kind of context dependant. Sorry. Lily wakes up one morning and finds a Non-World where her way of life once was. Can she turn her world ...
In Havian lore, it takes six days to go crazy.
England, 1726. A young girl's life is centered around calm rural customs and a the fear of the unknown. Whispers feed lies and the syllables form the word; Vampires. Soon, the overtones of sexual ...
The three part Prequel to The Darkangels, another of my stories: In Ancient Atlantis, Princess Skylark is in need of a Guardian. But she will not be protected by anyone, only Isis can create the pe...
Two girls. One Egyptian, the other Atlantian. One made, the other born. They hold the power of the elements in their hands. They just don't know it yet...
a fairy laments over a fallen nation, one-shot
adventures of Garron tammy and some more people after i'm not that good at story writing so please review with hints (no your story sucks or anything like that) R&R tammy and her twin timeu...
The elf Quar is trying to survive in a new world he is thrown into after being kidnapped by a strange group of people. A king is turned evil and the world is in peril. Can Quar and his new friends ...
I suck at summerys, but here goes: Dorimono is a muerderious lunitic, only waiting, for the the next target to appaer. Elenor is in for the fight of her life, that she just may lose...! Please Re...
This tells how Merric took over the Kingdom of Noland.
A snippet of a larger story I hope to write in entirety some day.
His waking world is one of structure and direction. Peaceful and Puritan. But when he lies down at night, Carmine is swept away into dreams where a golden-eyed lover tantalizes and teases him, an...
a Christmas present for maumau. no one else will really get it unless they've read our story (which isn't up on ficwad, so...yeah). Ket/Mija angst/love, almost (to my chagrin) soap-operaish, exce...