Atlanta is known as the tough one. The one who is always strong, and always confident. But, what happens when she loses herself and her confidence and strength too? In the middle of chaos only a tr...
Theresa's head over heels! Her friedsn totally gush and bug the heck out of her!
Theresa has a new boyfriend and things seem to be going great. Until he starts to show his true colours. When the one you think you love makes you cry who do you run to for comfort?
Songfiction to When You Say Nothing At All by Allison Krause. Archie and Atlanta can tell what the other means just by looking and observing one another. AxA. J/T/OC, All grown up, Theresa didn't get to marry Jay...but he purposed and she said yes...what happened???
Archies POV. Songfic to 8 Mile by Eminem. "He was a bad man my step-father." RxR. Teensy Weensy AxA.
Atlanta finds Archie's secret book and starts reading it. Will any good come out of this? One-Shot from Atlanta's POV.
Everyone was celebrating the New year except for Atlanta who was sadly up in her room ,depressed!So the Titans go up and try to cheer her up !
The double A's hooked up, but things started going downhill quite a few months in. A huge fight including swearing and name calling tore them apart, not talking or any contact. In the end, they nev...
A one-shot tear jerker, you might cry just to tell you. Atlanta is dead and Archie can't take it. The guys tell him to get another girl (as in best friend. Weren't dating. Sry), but he says the sam...
Neil is annoying the others and Jay loses his goody-goody image
It's a snowy winter day, perfect for relaxing in front of the fire and drinking some hot chocolate..or not! Guess what Atlanta's in the mood for? One-shot A/A story! (don't worry there's nothing sick)
Songic to Don't Let Me Get Me by Pink about Archie. AxA story.
An amusing play off of 'Ding Dong! Merrily On High'. Written by moi.
No summary for now. But its a Sleepover story with Truth or Dare. AxA, TxJ, HxOC, OxOC, NxOC PS: CHANGED DUE TO SIMILARITY OF MRS-JAYS STORY